
External JS Editor

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 11 years ago in iRidium Script updated by crabicode 8 years ago 5
More and more installers / system-integrators are asking us for External Javascript Editors. Like IDE-A/Intellij (http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) or Eclipse (free, see http://www.eclipse.org/ide/).


It is bug-free
It is including with all functionality professional Javascript programmers want
It saved iRidium developers much time, so they can spent time for other important tasks
It is for free

With using JAR-files (libraries) iRidium-programmers can implement these tools, and it's very comfortable for Javascript programmers!


Please reply if you want this functionality!

Hello Theo!

Thanks you for information! Idea transferred to programmers.

The task is not planned now.
Waiting for user's reply

I think this should be an option to use an external IDE.

For most users this would make it more complicated rather than less complicated.



Please consider having the core project .irpz not to be loaded into the memory because it limits file access.

Simply assume that one could edit files directly on the fly from the project directory and having project to use the latest updates without the need to reinclude them in the editor.

But for now, we can't simply rely on our favorite editors, which have far more advanced methods for dealing with code development and version controling. For example, due to the projects loaded into memory we can't have a concurent stratifordward process in the team.

Looking forward to more sophisticated and dev-friendly approaches of building projects with iRidium.