Your comments
It is working.
Jan Hein
Jan Hein
Hello Benno,
It looks already an little bit better now, but still no response.
I have this as the HTTP communication detail:
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: iRidium/2.0.7
Viewer-Only-Client: 1
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 39
The content-length is OK now. But when you look in the working version, there is not the last line with the command in it. But is working.
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
So what could be the problem?
Extra info
Could it be that the command (cCMD_RC_OP_CL.x=100&cCMD_RC_OP_CL.y=100) is in the header?
It should be in the body.
Jan Hein
It looks already an little bit better now, but still no response.
I have this as the HTTP communication detail:
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: iRidium/2.0.7
Viewer-Only-Client: 1
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 39
The content-length is OK now. But when you look in the working version, there is not the last line with the command in it. But is working.
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
So what could be the problem?
Extra info
Could it be that the command (cCMD_RC_OP_CL.x=100&cCMD_RC_OP_CL.y=100) is in the header?
It should be in the body.
Jan Hein
Hello Victoria,
Thanks for the info, but it is not working.
What have I done:
I have an programm called Wfetch to simulate the POST command.
When I push the GO button my Blu-ray player is responding to the command.
See the first image attachment.
When I then put the POST command in an Standard HTTP driver with the POST command it isn't working.
I also put the IP and Port number in the driver properties.
Also used the User Agent command in the properties, but this did not help.
See the second image attachment.
Is there something wrong in what I'm doing?
Can you help.
Extra info
This is the HTTP communication detail of the sended data from the iridium client:
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: iRidium/2.0.7
Viewer-Only-Client: 1
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 0
As you can see the content-lenght is zero. So I think the data is not send.
This is the HTTP communication detail of the Wfetch tool:
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
As you can see the conten-lenght is 39. This is working.
I hope this can help you.
Jan Hein
Thanks for the info, but it is not working.
What have I done:
I have an programm called Wfetch to simulate the POST command.
When I push the GO button my Blu-ray player is responding to the command.
See the first image attachment.
When I then put the POST command in an Standard HTTP driver with the POST command it isn't working.
I also put the IP and Port number in the driver properties.
Also used the User Agent command in the properties, but this did not help.
See the second image attachment.
Is there something wrong in what I'm doing?
Can you help.
Extra info
This is the HTTP communication detail of the sended data from the iridium client:
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: iRidium/2.0.7
Viewer-Only-Client: 1
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 0
As you can see the content-lenght is zero. So I think the data is not send.
This is the HTTP communication detail of the Wfetch tool:
POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
As you can see the conten-lenght is 39. This is working.
I hope this can help you.
Jan Hein
Hello Victoria,
I know this instructions.
In this instruction they talk about the Standard HTTP driver with the GET command.
I need the POST command. Is there an instruction how to use this in the driver?
Jan Hein
I know this instructions.
In this instruction they talk about the Standard HTTP driver with the GET command.
I need the POST command. Is there an instruction how to use this in the driver?
Jan Hein
Customer support service by UserEcho
Bij het uitlezen van de slimme meter kan het electra en gas verbruik worden uitgelezen.
Helaas hebben wij alleen electra en geen gas. (wij hebben stadverwarming)
Wij zouden graag ook de optie voor gas willen testen.
Wie woont er in de omgeving van Tilburg, en heeft een slimme meter met gas verbruik, waar wij ook het gas verbruik kunnen testen?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jan Hein Liebregts
JaHeLi media