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Hi Paul,

"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\XBMC\\XBMC.exe"

To start apps on Windows, each back slash has to be substituted by the double back slash.

source: http://wiki2.iridiummobile.net/Systems_API#Start_Another_App

Hi Damian,
you can get value from X or Y property of the popups (relative of direction). if property value in the list range area then popup is showing.

IR.SetInterval(1000, function() {
   var List = IR.GetItem("PopupWithList").GetItem("ListName");
if (IR.GetItem("PopupName").X + IR.GetItem("PopupName").Width < List.X)
// Popup is not showing
} else {
// Popup is showing
} });

Hi, R riksma!

This feature will be added in future version of the app,
Hi, R riksma!

We will discuss about the feature. The HTTP driver will be inproved in future version of the app, and may be this feature will be available. I will give feedback from discuss .
Status can not be obtained from the server via HTTP driver. But you can check for yourself. In order to to check the accessibility of the server (on EVENT_ONLINE). You need to check whether the buffer is empty. If it is not empty, then access to the server is. Otherwise, no access.

status can not be obtained from the server via HTTP driver
To get the full information comes from the construct.
function HTTPDriver(host,port){    // ..
    IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, this.HTTPDriver, function(text)
       buffer += text;
   //Parse function should use in OFFLINE Listener

   IR.AddLstener(IR.EVENT_OFFLINE, this.HTTPDriver, function() 
          //Parse buffer
//.. };

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho