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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Разделение старшего и младшего байта в 16-битном слове

Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden in Products / Modbus bijgewerkt door Sergey (expert) 9 jaar geleden 8
Мы получаем десятичное число, которое нужно перевести в НЕХ (2 байта), отделить младший байт от старшего и по отдельности перевести их обратно в DEC (получить два десятичных числа)

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE,IR.GetDevice("Modbus TCP"),function(item,value) // активируем слушатель изменения любого тега драйвера ModBus TCP
   if(item == "Feedback 1") // указываем имя регистра, к которому нужно применить битовую маску
// Изначально было 10-ое 2-ух байтовое в виде строки 
var dec2byte = "27542";
// Конвертируем в число, а затем в 16-ую строку
var hex2byte = parseInt(dec2byte).toString(16);
// Получаем первый байт из строки 
var hexfirst = hex2byte.charAt(0) + hex2byte.charAt(1);
// Получаем второй байт из строки
var hexsecond = hex2byte.charAt(2) + hex2byte.charAt(3);
// Получаем десятичное число из 16-ых байтов в строке 
decfirst = parseInt(hexfirst, 16);
decsecond = parseInt(hexsecond, 16);


Cbus shutter control

Damian Hartin 9 jaar geleden in Products / C-Bus (Clipsal) bijgewerkt door Olga (expert) 9 jaar geleden 13
Is anyone able to give some pointers as to how I work with a CBus shutter control. Not sure of the button type/config I need.

Keeping the default settings from the CBus Cgate driver (as lighting app and immediate ramp) with a trigger button lets move the blinds in one direction only.

Have tried cloning the command and changing to on/off but wasn't able to get it working.

Olga (expert) 9 jaar geleden
Dear Damian,

Please see the example of using the button here: CBusTestBed_iPhone (button).irpz
Commands are assigned to the button using Send Number. Then write a number depending on the button function (Up = 255).

If you want to control from 1 button, then you have to use scripts. Please describe in details what you want to get from the button (for example, what will happen to the button if you click on the it in iRidium - your curtains go up and then you strop them using the wall panel, not the interface. In what sequence should the commands be sent when clicking Up/Down/Stop? etc.)

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team

HDL Watchdog

Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden in Products / HDL-BUS Pro bijgewerkt door AlexDr 7 jaar geleden 7
This simple script make you able to see if the communication with HDL bus stopped.
In case of UDP broadcast connections it is not possible to see the online status of HDL IP module, so you have to look at the traffic from HDL, and if it is stopped for awhile you can show "Offline message".
See the example attached.
You can choose a time without traffic indicates the offline. It is 10 sec by default.

!HDL Online indicator.irpz

Импорт драйвера KNX или переменных в существующий драйвер KNX

Владимир Нестеров 9 jaar geleden in Products / KNX bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 1
Добрый день.

Хотелось бы понять существует ли форма, аналогичная форме файла xls для ModbusTCP, чтобы импортировать переменные KNX (commands, feedback).
Переменных большое число, делать проект в ETS не удобно, т.к. очень большое число переменных и проекта не будет.
Хотелось бы сделать файл и импортировать его в либо как дополнительный драевер, либо как добавление переменных в существующий драйвер.

AMX Migration

Jeff Mercuri 8 jaar geleden in Products / AMX bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 8 jaar geleden 1

Is it possible to import an existing .AXW file into Iridium


How to setup the group climate for each rooms?

Punith 9 jaar geleden in Products / HDL-BUS Pro bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 5
How to setup the group climate for each rooms?

Kindly see the attachments which is marked in the yellow and please tel me the ways

Image 8240

Image 8241


32-bit decoding for incoming UDP packets

Emery Anderson 9 jaar geleden in Products / AV & Custom Systems bijgewerkt door Sergey (expert) 9 jaar geleden 6
Ashly NE Ethernet protocol I'd like to setup audio level meters for an 8-channel DSP device but the incoming data is formatted as 32-bit (via four 1-byte packets).  How would I decode this data to a multilevel graphic?  I've attached the ethernet protocol for the device.  Also, what is the max range for the multilevel items?

Long project saving time

Philippe_Fontaine 9 jaar geleden in Products / AV & Custom Systems bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 2

I have some problems when i save the project in the editor.
I started from the project from the Black Gui Template.
The save time for this was 7 seconds (project size 8915 kb)
I have delete 1 popup page and then the save time was 1 min 20 sec. (project size 13641 kb)
I have add 20 images to the gallery and then add it to a popup page and then the saving time is 4 min 40 sec (project size 112132 kb)
When i delete an other unused popup page the i receive an error message that i have not enough memory to save it.
Very strange because when i delete some files the project size is bigger.
I work with windows 8 - Intel core I5 with 8 GB Ram memory
The editor is version V2.2.0.17180

Please can you tell me what is wrong?
I have spend a long time at this project and i can work further on it…

Many thanks to reply

gestures with device commands

Barry Jones 9 jaar geleden in Products / Other drivers bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 9 jaar geleden 5
dose anyone have a gestures script or demo with device commands i.e. ir, serial, ip, would like to to control devices from a gesture rather than a button, i.e. up, down, left, right, enter,
have looked at the gestures scripts but don't know how to link the device command to it.


Improvements to Helvar driver

Andrew Glossop 8 jaar geleden in Products / Other drivers bijgewerkt door Ekaterina (head of support) 8 jaar geleden 1

Referring to

Can you please add these properties to the wiki. The image showing properties for recall group scene is out of date.