
Websockets support

rocfusion 10 years ago in Products / Other drivers updated by Vyacheslav Belov 9 years ago 15
Sooner are later most devices will turn to this technology. For example, Plex already have a websockets client for their media server. It would be great if iRidium could support websockets protocol natively. I know with a bit of work it can be done in iRidium script. It would easier if this coded in as a new custom device.
Requests for Drivers
yes..Am also eagerly waiting for plex home theater controling from iridium <3..if you know, can you giude me how workout with iridium script for controlling plexHT.
Hi, everybody!
Are there some news about current topic?

I have not seen any working example of how to implement websockets. Due to the additional authentication required to establish a connection I have not made any further progress with this. Mozilla have implemented an straightforward method to do this, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API/Writing_WebSocket_client_applications

Something on this line would be easy to develop for.


It will be done (but not in the closest build)
Also, MQTT protocol connection over Websocket being widely used!

In the iridium version 3 is now available driver to work with MQTT.

What about Web Sockets in iRidium 3.0 ?

Unfortunately, at the moment we have no plans to implement this functionality.

all latest smart TVs use Websockets for IP remote control functions. No drivers can be created in iRidium for the new smart TVs :(

Hi, Vyacheslav!

Which models of Smart TVs, exactly, working with websockets?

We work with some of them (may be not the latest models) and didn't see unprotected (without security/encryption/tricky pairing process websocket port to be controlled.

Добрый День Эмиль!

по этой штуке работают все последние модели Samsung, LG и Sony (может и ещё какие-то). Там везде идёт защита и шифрование -но это не проблема, т.к. можно взломать родные приложения из апстора или плеймаркета и извлечь алгаритмы, что мы собственно и делаем. Проблему на данный момент решили промежуточным PHP скриптом работающьм на любом PHP сервере. Он ведёт учет телеков и всех ключей шифрования, а нам на прямую сыпет все фидбеки от телека без изменений.

This is ENGLISH forum.

please reply in English language.



security is becoming an intricate layer in all things IOT. Given that web sockets is becoming one of the more common communication protocols used, ignoring it is not an option. Expecting installers to add this layer in their scripts is not an option. Its just too complicated. Relying on a third party ( PHP ) is not an option, this adds an additional thing to learn. Plus another point of failure. I posted this request 1 year ago. There hasn't been any progress. overall the range of drivers available hasn't increased with any exponential factor. Something to think about maybe.

Totally agree! But the new iRidium server is designed like a "third party" + another point of failure. He can do things, that can't be done in iRidium script alone and act as a "gateway". In case of Websocket - gateway talk with end-hardware like TV via Websocket and talk with iRidium panels on pure json, compiling/de-compiling websocket frames on the fly. We do the same on single PHP script, that is working on Raspberry and manage all connectivity with TVs. We try to do this in iRidium script alone, but can't => iRidium close Websocket connection after first command.