
Popup page sending states

Nick Redant 11 years ago in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 5

for one project I would like to change the state of a button when a popup is shown
is it possible to integrate this and so,

what are the type and feedback relations I have to use?

Thanks in advance…


Dear Nick, you can use Project Token and send the value 1 to it. 1 means active state of a graphic item. And when calling the Hide Popip command write 0 in Project Token. Then assign Token with the Value of a graphic item you are using. The graphic item must have Feedback: Channel.
Please use as a example this project (see the attachment).
With best wishes,
Victoria Vaynert.

Project 1.irpz
Thanks for the reply Victoria

When You put a liftime to the popup page after disapearing the state remains on 1
I would like to swith it to 0 as well…
So I created a delay of the same time as the popup life time and this works

But is it possible to send a number related to the POPUP shown or hidden directly
for example when a popup is shown it is sending a 1 and when it disappears it is sending a 0

It would be a simple way to navigate in the menu

Thanks alredy
Hi Nick,

You can use the following listener events to determine whether a page or popup is shown or not.  just change it for your specific popup and add the code to adjust the global variable in the function of the listener.

  // triggered when popup 1 is shown
  IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_SHOW, IR.GetPopup("Popup 1"), function(){

  //triggered when popup 1 is hidden
  IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_HIDE, IR.GetPopup("Popup 1"), function(){


Thanks Roger,

After some additional testing this works as wished
thanks a lot for the advice