Pulse time
Alexandre Jacob - Home heaven 9 years ago
in Products / AV & Custom Systems
updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 9 years ago •
Hi everybody,
Hope everything is good for all of you.
Actuallu I'm stuck on a small problem. I create a new driver for a webcam (http driver) which has output relay. I can change the state of this relay with one button low and one high. But I need to do just a pulse with one button (2sec).
So it's the same URI : /IO/outputs/1/trigger but the data box is different : '<outputState>high</outputState>'
Do you have a idea? I'm not very strong in script create but I think it's a good solution because after that I will need the feedback of the item :
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello Alexander
You can add the delay between this commands with Macros editor: