SIP management and Sleep Product
First of all, sorry I do not speak English and I hope my question is clear enough.
I do not know the SIP protocol, so I appreciated being able to use the iRidium Mobile SIP client (javascript module).
I made some tests with 3 x SIP clients:
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a desktop PC (with windows 7)
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a laptop PC (Windows 8.1)
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a tablet (android 4.1.1)
The 3CX SIP server is installed on the laptop PC (Windows 8.1).
For the tests I have not audio/video door. I did the tests with only the 3 clients iridium described above.
I configured the 3 clients and 3CX Phone System in accordance with the Note: http://wiki2.iridiummobile.net/Setting_up_SIP_Telephony_in_iRidium#Setting_up_SIP_Servers
The calls made by each client are working. But after a time, one or more clients no longer appear on the server (telephone) and are no longer managed.
I removed the sleep of the laptop PC on which the server is installed and this seems to be the solution to the problem.
Next, I programmed on the android tablet where a SIP client is installed, a sleep after a few minutes. And exactly the same problem.
You cannot program a sleep on the tablet or on the PC with SIP management ?
Best Regards,
First of all, sorry I do not speak English and I hope my question is clear enough.
I do not know the SIP protocol, so I appreciated being able to use the iRidium Mobile SIP client (javascript module).
I made some tests with 3 x SIP clients:
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a desktop PC (with windows 7)
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a laptop PC (Windows 8.1)
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a tablet (android 4.1.1)
The 3CX SIP server is installed on the laptop PC (Windows 8.1).
For the tests I have not audio/video door. I did the tests with only the 3 clients iridium described above.
I configured the 3 clients and 3CX Phone System in accordance with the Note: http://wiki2.iridiummobile.net/Setting_up_SIP_Telephony_in_iRidium#Setting_up_SIP_Servers
The calls made by each client are working. But after a time, one or more clients no longer appear on the server (telephone) and are no longer managed.
I removed the sleep of the laptop PC on which the server is installed and this seems to be the solution to the problem.
Next, I programmed on the android tablet where a SIP client is installed, a sleep after a few minutes. And exactly the same problem.
You cannot program a sleep on the tablet or on the PC with SIP management ?
Best Regards,

Dear Patrick,
You can set up for the tablet not to go into the Sleep mode only in the settings of the tablet. In iRidium you can add a screensaver page which will show black background until the app is activated. The same cn be done on PC.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
You can set up for the tablet not to go into the Sleep mode only in the settings of the tablet. In iRidium you can add a screensaver page which will show black background until the app is activated. The same cn be done on PC.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team

Thank you.
1- So you know the sleep problem with the SIP management ?
2- With the sleep unconfigured on all products, SIP management works perfectly ? Yesterday I tested a few hours, so I do not know if the SIP management is reliable over time.
Best Regards
Thank you.
1- So you know the sleep problem with the SIP management ?
2- With the sleep unconfigured on all products, SIP management works perfectly ? Yesterday I tested a few hours, so I do not know if the SIP management is reliable over time.
Best Regards

Dear Patrick,
1. If the PC or tablet goes into the Sleep mode - there is no interaction with the external world. It's not a problem, it's how the OS works.
2. We test the application in the 24-hour mode. If there are problems with the network, then disconnection is possible. But usually everything works fine. We examine and fix possible problems. So please write to us if you find any. We cannot anticipate all possible problems.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
1. If the PC or tablet goes into the Sleep mode - there is no interaction with the external world. It's not a problem, it's how the OS works.
2. We test the application in the 24-hour mode. If there are problems with the network, then disconnection is possible. But usually everything works fine. We examine and fix possible problems. So please write to us if you find any. We cannot anticipate all possible problems.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team

Testing Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Yesterday afternoon I put the 2 products in test:
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a laptop PC (Windows 8.1)
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a tablet (android 4.1.1)
The 3CX SIP server is installed on the laptop PC (Windows 8.1).
I unconfigured standby mode on the 2 products.
Trials in early afternoon: correct operation
What is normal the 2 SIP client appear on the 3CX Phone page (see below)
I then deliberately forgotten the two products (no operation for over 4 hours).
Trials in late afternoon (4 hours later):
The SIP client number 13 no longer appears on the server (see below), and of course when the SIP client number 12 calls the number 13, it does not respond.
Tests Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The same 2 SIP clients with standby unconfigured.
Call with the SIP client number 12 and I do not respond voluntarily with the number 13.
The SIP client number 13 is removed from the server. Then after a time, it is again displayed on the server and thus managed.
The SIP client who did not answer is not removed automatically by the server.
On some test it is removed immediately and on other tests the process must be repeated several times for it to be removed.
Adding an additional SIP client (number 11): 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a desktop PC (with windows 7) to view the event log on IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE.
I do not know the SIP protocol, but the log seems correct (see the attached file).
[25-03-2015 11:50:20.958] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:21.892] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.222] DEBUG INVITE... . CSeq: 1 INVITE
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.225] DEBUG CSIPDevice::StopDirectConnection
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.235] INFO name = STATUS, value = Incoming Call...
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.238] WARNING Recieved Host:, External Host:, External IP:
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.262] WARNING !!! Direct Connection via server !!!
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.291] INFO name = INCOMING CALL, value = 1
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.855] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:23.794] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:24.732] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:25.677] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:26.625] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:27.568] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:28.493] INFO ELECTROVANNE - ZONE 1 : false
[25-03-2015 11:50:28.534] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:29.484] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:30.432] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:31.371] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:32.315] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:33.253] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:34.197] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:35.139] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:36.078] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:37.021] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:37.959] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:38.497] INFO TEMPERATURE ACTUELLE - ZONE 1 : 18.399999618530273
[25-03-2015 11:50:38.566] INFO ELECTROVANNE - ZONE 1 : false
[25-03-2015 11:50:38.904] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:39.862] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:40.806] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:41.744] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.259] DEBUG Send 487 Request Terminated
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.271] DEBUG CSIPDevice::StopDirectConnection
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.281] INFO name = STATUS, value = On Hook...
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.296] DEBUG In <On Hook> ACK. CSeq: 1 ACK
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.301] INFO name = INCOMING CALL, value = 0
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.727] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:43.668] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:44.605] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
I just noticed that without any action, the number 11 SIP client had been deleted from the server and then added again 1-2 minutes later.
Best Regards,
Patrick PETIT
Testing Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Yesterday afternoon I put the 2 products in test:
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a laptop PC (Windows 8.1)
- 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a tablet (android 4.1.1)
The 3CX SIP server is installed on the laptop PC (Windows 8.1).
I unconfigured standby mode on the 2 products.
Trials in early afternoon: correct operation
What is normal the 2 SIP client appear on the 3CX Phone page (see below)
I then deliberately forgotten the two products (no operation for over 4 hours).
Trials in late afternoon (4 hours later):
The SIP client number 13 no longer appears on the server (see below), and of course when the SIP client number 12 calls the number 13, it does not respond.
Tests Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The same 2 SIP clients with standby unconfigured.
Call with the SIP client number 12 and I do not respond voluntarily with the number 13.
The SIP client number 13 is removed from the server. Then after a time, it is again displayed on the server and thus managed.
The SIP client who did not answer is not removed automatically by the server.
On some test it is removed immediately and on other tests the process must be repeated several times for it to be removed.
Adding an additional SIP client (number 11): 1 SIP client (SIP Javascript iRidium Mobile module) installed on a desktop PC (with windows 7) to view the event log on IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE.
I do not know the SIP protocol, but the log seems correct (see the attached file).
[25-03-2015 11:50:20.958] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:21.892] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.222] DEBUG INVITE... . CSeq: 1 INVITE
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.225] DEBUG CSIPDevice::StopDirectConnection
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.235] INFO name = STATUS, value = Incoming Call...
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.238] WARNING Recieved Host:, External Host:, External IP:
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.262] WARNING !!! Direct Connection via server !!!
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.291] INFO name = INCOMING CALL, value = 1
[25-03-2015 11:50:22.855] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:23.794] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:24.732] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:25.677] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:26.625] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:27.568] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:28.493] INFO ELECTROVANNE - ZONE 1 : false
[25-03-2015 11:50:28.534] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:29.484] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:30.432] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:31.371] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:32.315] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:33.253] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:34.197] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:35.139] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:36.078] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:37.021] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:37.959] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:38.497] INFO TEMPERATURE ACTUELLE - ZONE 1 : 18.399999618530273
[25-03-2015 11:50:38.566] INFO ELECTROVANNE - ZONE 1 : false
[25-03-2015 11:50:38.904] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:39.862] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:40.806] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:41.744] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.259] DEBUG Send 487 Request Terminated
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.271] DEBUG CSIPDevice::StopDirectConnection
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.281] INFO name = STATUS, value = On Hook...
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.296] DEBUG In <On Hook> ACK. CSeq: 1 ACK
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.301] INFO name = INCOMING CALL, value = 0
[25-03-2015 11:50:42.727] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:43.668] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
[25-03-2015 11:50:44.605] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected.
I just noticed that without any action, the number 11 SIP client had been deleted from the server and then added again 1-2 minutes later.
Best Regards,
Patrick PETIT

Dear Patrick,
I just noticed that without any action, the number 11 SIP client had been deleted from the server and then added again 1-2 minutes later.
We know about that and change the registration procedure in V2.2.2 a little. But there is no setup for Android at the moment, for Windows and iOS only.
Please see the version for Windows for your testing:
1. Copy the current versions of the files iRidium.exe and Squall.dll from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium mobile2\iRidium and save them separately.
2. Substitute the files in the folder with the licenses from the attachment.
3. Test.
As for the issue, that you cannot find the client on the server, we hope that the changes will fix it.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
iRidium (2).zip
I just noticed that without any action, the number 11 SIP client had been deleted from the server and then added again 1-2 minutes later.
We know about that and change the registration procedure in V2.2.2 a little. But there is no setup for Android at the moment, for Windows and iOS only.
Please see the version for Windows for your testing:
1. Copy the current versions of the files iRidium.exe and Squall.dll from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium mobile2\iRidium and save them separately.
2. Substitute the files in the folder with the licenses from the attachment.
3. Test.
As for the issue, that you cannot find the client on the server, we hope that the changes will fix it.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
iRidium (2).zip

I started again testing intercom SIP Tuesday with two clients on Windows.
I made some tests because I do not have time, but for now no problems.
Best Regards,
Patrick PETIT
I started again testing intercom SIP Tuesday with two clients on Windows.
I made some tests because I do not have time, but for now no problems.
Best Regards,
Patrick PETIT
Customer support service by UserEcho
I just noticed that without any action, the number 11 SIP client had been deleted from the server and then added again 1-2 minutes later.
We know about that and change the registration procedure in V2.2.2 a little. But there is no setup for Android at the moment, for Windows and iOS only.
Please see the version for Windows for your testing:
1. Copy the current versions of the files iRidium.exe and Squall.dll from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium mobile2\iRidium and save them separately.
2. Substitute the files in the folder with the licenses from the attachment.
3. Test.
As for the issue, that you cannot find the client on the server, we hope that the changes will fix it.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
iRidium (2).zip