Not a bug

i2conrtol iOs crash

Эмиль Боев 10 years ago in i2 Control V2.2 updated by iRidiumNikita 9 years ago 29

splashboard relates to IOS notifications system. this infers that i2control hasn't registered correctly with that system.

I would stop all apps running on the ipad. remove i2control. power down the ipad. power up, check that sound is working on the ipad. if not maybe an reset is needed, make an backup first before proceeding with that.

Install i2 control, accept the requests for notifications. stop i2 control from running, power down the ipad, power up the ipad, then upload the project and test. Still not working test with another project file that is known to work. when thats ok, then the project file has something wrong with it.

Hope this helps.



Hi, Roger.
You forget last point: try to uninstall windows and reinstall it again =)
I'm kidding.
Guys, how does the name of properly collected i2control crash log should looks like?
you will see i2control in the name of the log
Something lika that: *i2control*.crash?

Thanks for information.
In the attached logfiles it is seen that the crashes happen inside of iOS, but outside of iRidium, that's why we can't see in the attached logfiles what exact part of iRidium software worked incorrectly.
Logfiles for our programme are called ““i2_Control_YYYY-MM-DD-24-hour””.

To know why crashes happen, we need the following information:
1. What changes in the project caused the crash of the app? Or does the app crash in the absolutely new project, that didn't launch before?
2. What drivers are used in the project?
3. Are the scripts used? If yes, which functions (IR.) are used?
4. We have to attach debugging log to iOS logfiles.
It is necessary to use debug level from the launch of the project until it crashes.

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team
  1. i2control crashing with absolutely old project. Which has no changes for last year. It crashing for unknown reason after 1-2 days of continuous work.
  2. AMX driver + AV Custom
  3. Almos all of IR.* functions.
  4. We have syslogs of crashing. And it crashing silently. Just oops and log is terminated. Until somebody restart i2control.
We'll provide proper iOS crash log of i2control

Does it happen on all the devices of the project or only on this one? Is everything ok with the rest of the devices?

Send everything to us. If the server syslog crashes we can send our one.

Can you send us the project and provide the remote control to it to see where the problem is? We won't press anything. According to the files you've sent, we can't say anything.

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team
We'll provide iOs crash logs.
Unfortunately, we was not able to extract crash logs through full iTunes synchronization between win pc and ipad =(

You can get them directly from the device.
The details are here http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/765675-crash-logs-on-ios/

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team
We have one craash log!
i2control crashing with our fresh project (where custom PopcornHour driver and UI implemented).
We suppose, crash somehow connected with this functionality.

We even able to reproduce crash in i2control win (emulator).

How often? Start project. Go inside of anu MediaPlayerVideo scenrio (movies).
It will load 750 items into List. Now you may go anywhere outside this interface.
Project will fail in about 15 minutes, accidently.

Crash log attached.

i2 Control_2015-06-10-175833_iPad-Zhukovka.crash
We know this problem with lists. They are not able to work with large data volume. You can ask Rodger about it (he deals with Sonos). But the recommendatoin will be like that - don't download many elements to the list at once, separate them.
We can't suggest any variants at present.

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team
Are you sure for 100% that crash is a result of List overload on my case?

Yes this is the case, there is a memory limitation in the app for lists. I try not to go above 100 items in a list.



Are you sure for 100% that crash is a result of List overload on my case?
Hi, limit the number of items you add to the list and test it. I have seen this, its a pain to overcome but its possible.


Anybody here?
Hello, official tech support of iRidium!
Please, give me an answer: are you sure for 100% that crash is a result of List overload on my case?
We can't say why it crashes judging only by your words. We know about some limits of our app, that's why, please, exclude the crash because of lists. If it won't help, send the project to us and give us the access to your equipment so that we could catch this crash. Only then we'll say something definite

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team
And how about crash logs?!
I've attached them right here.
Doesn't you see the reason inside crash logs?

Our dialogue went as follows:
1. You said about the crash on one project. We asked you to send logs. You haven't sent them yet.
2. You said about the crash on the other, new project with logs. The programmer will discover your logs only next week. This project has a known potential problem. That's why we advised you to exclude it until the moment the programmer will consider the logs.

Crashes on both projects may have different reasons. That's why we are waiting for logs from the first crash. Considering the second problem we've given you the advise where to see the information (and what protocols (TCP, HTTP UPnP) are used in the project?)

We can't garantee that judging by the logs it will be possible to determine the problem exactly (sometimes it is impossible). But these steps are your minimal actions. If the logs won't give any information, we'll try other methods, e.g.:
1. We'll ask you to isolate different systems in your project by turn to localize the problem. E.g., switching off control of some devices, excluding usage of some scripts and watching how the app will work in this case.
2. To launch your project in our checkout (with connection to your equipment) and revise the crash.

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team
The task is closed until we get all necessary information

iRidium mobile Support Team
Okay. Thank you anyway for efforts and support :)

Hi, iRidium!

I'm able to handle i2control crash (iPad mini 1st gen MS545RS/A, iOs 9.0.2, i2control 2.2.3) and cannot see crash logs inside of proper Settings menu (according info http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/765675-crash-logs-on-ios/)

Here is the video: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/24eu/rTon4hEDj

Not a bug


Your project is very big and the script load is great. The project craches through no fault of i2Control, it crashes, because the device does not have enough memory. To fix it, you can do several things: make the project less memory-consuming, avoid using Retina, delete unused functions. As an option you can use another more powerful device as a control panel.