
http project download parmeters

Roger [rocfusion] 10 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 9 years ago 8

Following on from my previous question, since the first release of the function IR.DownLoadProject the parameters look like they have changed also the functionality of these method is changed.

In the first release we have,
function HTTPUpdate(url)
var parsed_url = parse_url(url);
var downloader = IR.DownLoadProject(
path:parsed_url.path + '?' + parsed_url.query,

This would cause the project to get uploaded immediately.

Now the new IR.DownloadProject, found in the project file supplied in the wiki, does not automatically update. Only the original project is shown. I guess the IR.DesignSwitch is no longer working or the sample script provided does not load the correct project file name.

With this new implementation will we always have to IR.DesignSwitch together with IR.DownLoadProject to get the new downloaded project to start?



I just tried IR.DownLoadProject on the iPad and everything is working fine.

IR.DesignSwitch only need for switching between multiple projects. If you only have the one project, IR.DesignSwitch you don't need.

best reagrds,
iRidium mobile support team

I also seem to be having a problem.

I can run the command in emulator and I see the following output, but when I run it from a handset, nothing happens?.
(The emulator on my PC does actualy try to download)

[08-10-2015 19:21:26.416] ERROR GetPropertyFromObject . No property: method
[08-10-2015 19:21:26.416] ERROR GetPropertyFromObject . No property: login
[08-10-2015 19:21:26.416] ERROR GetPropertyFromObject . No property: password
[08-10-2015 19:21:26.417] ERROR GetPropertyFromObject . No property: port
[08-10-2015 19:21:26.418] ERROR GetPropertyFromObject . No property: multiproject
[08-10-2015 19:21:26.418] ERROR GetPropertyFromObject . No property: name
[08-10-2015 19:21:29.300] DEBUG CCustomHTTPDevice(1): StartConnect()
[08-10-2015 19:21:30.062] DEBUG Redirected to: https://doc-0k-1c-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/hrk0u6bs0h75jn34ea723a6di92cit5l/1444291200000/01935349595188800230/*/<ShareID of iprz on GoogleDrive>?e=view
[08-10-2015 19:21:32.297] DEBUG CCustomHTTPDevice(1): StartConnect()
[08-10-2015 19:21:35.301] DEBUG CCustomHTTPDevice(1): StartConnect()
[08-10-2015 19:21:36.406] DEBUG CDialogSystem::ShowPage( irr_loader_root)

forgot to mention - I'm not trying to use IR.DesignSwitch - this is just a straight IR.DownloadProject
Under review
Dear Damian,

Please send your project, which does not work

Here is a quick test project, it exhibits the same behaviour - tries to update when run in emulator but no on my handset

Hi Damian

I added HWIDs of PC and iPhone in your script and check the uploading from PC (iRidium 2.2.3) and iPhone (i2 Control V2.2 current version). Downloading takes about 30-40 seconds, then your project starts. So it works properly as I can see.

If it doesn't work on your phone, please tell me the nmodel of your phone, OS version, iRidium version. Please check that the phone have an access to internet