
HWID changes, demo license invalidated

r riksma 10 years ago in i2 Control V2.2 updated by Thales Cavalcanti 9 years ago 25
the HWID keeps changing for me on multiple devices.
I use a demo license for my laptop, phone and iPad and all of them have changed multiple times now.
This happens every time i update an app and just now it happened for my iPad without any identifiable reason. I did install the old (non v2.2) version as well a while ago because i read this helps but it doesn't.
What can we do to manage this?
Same here, i've updated the i2control-app from the App-store and my HWID on Iphone is changed, license is invalid

The same here with all my 3 devices. Need to reactivate the license
All iPad and iPhone panels that did automatic app update now have an invalid license. Amongst them purchased licenses as well! I hope you will sort out something

Sorry, but we ourselves trouble by incontrol change of HWID on some devices. The situation doesn't appear systematically and not all the users complain that HWID changes, we apply directly to Apple.

To review the situation they need the following information (for each device):

1. Full system information of the affected device. E.g. iPhone 5 A1429 (on the back cover), v. iOS 8.3

2. Full detail description of the actions from the moment of the setting up to the moment of the change of HWID:
2.1.Setting of the app:
2.1.1. Date (time, if you remember) of the setting;
2.1.2. AppleID and the country that was chosen in the AppStore;
2.1.3. What HWID did you get?
2.1.4. iOS version

2.2. Use of the app BEFORE the moment of the upgrade and the change of HWID:
2.2.1. Did the iOS version change before the moment? What version did you upgrade to and what was the date of it (apr)?
2.2.2. Did the used AppleID change when you worked with the app? If yes, what ID did it change to and what country did you choose in the AppStore?
2.2.3. Did the app launch with the new AppleID?

2.3. Upgrade of the app and change of HWID:
2.3.1. iOS version
2.3.2. The date (time, if you remember) of the upgrade;
2.3.3. AppleID and the counry that was chosen in the AppStore at the moment of the upgrade;
2.3.4. Was the upgrade manual or automatical? Did you use any password? This happens if the AppleID, that was used with app installation, differs from the AppleID, that is used with upgrade. Did you press "Cancel" button during the upgrade?
2.3.5. What HWID did you get?

3. Do you have another programm from iRidium on this device? i2 control (2.1.2) or iRidiumHD?

Please, answer all the questions and send them to us in the letter (if the answers are apr. please tell about it). The address is support@iridiummobile.ru. The quicker we'll get this information from you, the quicker we'll send it to Apple and solve the situation.

Best regards,
iRidium mobile Support Team

Mail sent, please let me know if you would like more information.
Same problem on our / client tablets. My suggestion is to remove version 2.2.3 from AppStore until problem with HWID is solved. Otherwise integrators will have to update client projects / panels that were updated to version 2.2.3, given the fact that some devices maybe somewhere far abroad, this situation is kind a stitch up.

the app temporary removed from AppStore untill we discuss this problem with Apple
Ok, so what should we do with the already automatically updated versions? I for example reactivated a purchased license on one of our tablets, but if a new version will have to installed, it will again generate a new HWID, requiring a new license again. This is definitely going to be a problem. Not to mention the panels that updated themselves and are not working now....
The app temporary removed from AppStore untill we discuss this problem with Apple. Now the devices will not be updated before we see the solution for this problem. We plan do rollback OR resend the app to AppStore with fixes wich make this situation impossible.

In one hour we add one additional deactivation attempt to commercial licenses so you will not lost the deactivation
Thank You, I hope you can sort it out with Apple.
HI all. This whole caught me in a remote project where I need to download i2 control app to new ipads. I have to leave tonight and I don't know what to do. Is there a way we can get a kind of beta version we can temporarily use for such situations?
Thank you.
Hi Dimitris
The problem is not solved yet, but u can use the app "i2 Control" (without V2.2) and this environment:
It was not so many changes there, so u are able to make your project with previous iRidium version
Thank you for your prompt response! I thought of that too but I have already saved the project with GUI Editor 2.3.3. Will I be able to open it in 2.1.2? And I have also used IR codes from GC cloud to control AV devices. Will these work too?
Thank you.
I cannot be sure about it, did u used GC driver from GC.db database or from iRidium (2.0) database?
The second driver supported only by 2.2, so it would be a problem(

Try to install the prev version in separated folder, save a copy of your project and open it in editor 2.1. Try to start it in Emulator and check.

I have alredy installed the version on my GUI Editor and I have to download a iRidium app on an iPad which is compatible with my iRidium Transfert. I can't find any iRidium app that goes with my iRidium Transfert. Don't you have a old version to put on the Apple Store? When will the HWID problem be solve?

Best regards,

Hello Gilles

The app will be available in evening after mail delivery with detailed description of current situation with HWIDs.


The app is back in the app store. Is this resolved now?



Apple was not able to solve the issue with VendorID changing on iOS side, so we just sent i2 Control V2.2 back to AppStore and added more deactivation attempts for commercial licenses. It was 4 weeks ago, we made a delivery for customers.

For what it's worth, I'm having the same problem with Android devices. The HWID keeps changing. I only mention it because all of the other responders report this happening on iOS devices only.

In the new 3.0 platform (i3 Control Lite and i3 Control Pro) the HWID is not longer used. Licenses are checked cloud-based.

Also plans in schedule (see this post: http://support.iridiummobile.net/topic/1111478-remove-trial-license-set-timelimit-on-all-client-apps/) to make it easier to test with iRidium (Finally).



the same issue is now happens on IOS 9.3