
How to make a trend?

Netboss 10 years ago in GUI Editor updated by Olga (expert) 10 years ago 5

For a new project I need to make some trends with up to 10 channels... after several searches on the forum I only found this solution :
This can be a good base to work but I need to have some lines and not only dots... If a trend tool don't exist, may I create some lines by script (with 2 points or a length and an angle)?

Can someone give me a solution?

Thanks in advance!



Dear Jerome,

We were talking about the example you described in your first e-mail.

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
Dear Jerome,

At the moment trends are built only with the help of scripts. There are no ready instruments for that. We plan to implement this function in V3.0. Most likely it will be released by the end of the year.

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
Hi Olga,

That's a good news for this function. You say that trends are built by scripts, have you an exemple of one of them?
My other idea was to create some graphical lines. Is there a way to create someone by script function?

Best regards.

Dear Jerome,

We were talking about the example you described in your first e-mail.

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team