Yahoo Weather Module.
From one day to another the Yahoo Weather module doesn't work anymore for several customers? What happend ?

Yahoo have changed their weather service and that's why its stopped working.

At the moment we are working to fix this problem.

We fix it. You can update this module from our site

Can you just copy paste the script or do you have to merge it in your project? If i merge it in to my project i get the "connection screen", if i try the updated module from your site, sometimes it works and sometimes i get the "connection" screen, and yes my PC is connected to the internet. (see the attached image)

You can change only the script and the page Weather_Add_City. Nothing else was changed.

Unsable service....
9 time of 10, yahoo answer with "result: null"
More, driver timeout is too low...

Weather to Merge - full page V2.irpz
Weather to Merge - half page V2.irpz
The new version of iRidium's weather no longer has the lists of cities, so I have updated to put back the lists.
See the attached two projects (just different sizes)
Please be aware:
THE TOKEN DATA HAS CHANGED TO INCLUDE TEMPERATURE UNITS (C or F). So, if you have an existing project with project token 'weather_data', for the first time you transfer/run the emulator, go to project settings and click on 'Clear Token'.
These seem to work reliably and fast for me.

Here are versions of weather with lists of cities that works in iRidium 2 & iRidium 3 (thanks to iRidium's bug fix! )

Same project in iRidium 3.0:
For me it works in 3.0 but only if units are F (1)
eg in sample change to F and it works
But iRidium 2.2.3 works if units are F (1) or C (0) - it does not matter.

it's worked fine here fot 3 days, now i'm getting again "the conenction screen" or "the city not found" screen.
The log says: [12-04-2016 08:20:42.935] WARNING Script exception: SyntaxError: C:\Users\domo_laptop\Documents\iRidium mobile 2\Settings\iRidium\Domotica Izegem_ᅢ래ᄅnpagina\YahooWeatherWidget_1.js:414: <string>:1: expected ')' but got '{'
What can it be?

This error indicates that in the text which came from the server there is an error.
Try this module. Maybe it will be more stable to work. Metro_Weather_iPad_Bugfix2 v3.irpz

This study was very nice. thank you so much.More would have been nice if there was a language file, dates, directions, such as weather conditions. :)
Customer support service by UserEcho
We fix it. You can update this module from our site