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Amx 3100 controller with no serial number

Raul Cano 9 years ago in Products / AMX updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 10

i have a big problem, i'm working with an amx controller with no serial number, i'm using 2 iridium device license, but i sell a site licence, and i can't use it, can you help me?, can i use the mac adress? Or something else?, what can i do?, please heeeelp!!!

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Are you sure that your device has no serial number? Did you tried receive it to the way described on Wikipedia?

  1. Yes i'm totally sure, and Yes i di it and there is only 0's

This is te iridium util image response

Please try the following method.

Open a command prompt.

Then type in it the following lines:

1) telnet (If not installed, you need to install it). And press Enter.

2) o Press Enter.

3) show device. Press Enter.

After that you will see all the necessary information.

Please take a screenshot and send it to us on e-mail: support@iridiummobile.ru

This is the screenshot of the command 'show device'

look the 0's, grettings

Are you tried to update the firmware on your controller?

yes i do, but nothing happened, can we use the mac adress?

Sorry, we can't use the Mac address for the license. You can use the iridium version 3

n the new version of Iridium, we changed the system of licensing and the license does not depend on the serial number of the controller. Read more about this here