
what upgrade license iRidium gate to lite for?

Tanapol E. 6 years ago updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 6 years ago 7


I found "Upgrading iRidium gate to iRidium lite" option on my gate for Google home project

what is this for?

from my understanding gate is lite+server or voice control right?



gate = lite server without visualisation. You can use the application only for configuration, not for control


iRidium lite = visualisation + server + voice control.

iRidium Gate = server + voice control.

if i purchase new/upgrade license to iRidium lite it will include everything?

or  voice control available in gate only?

voice control is available for i3lite, but it is paid modules

If you upgrade the license for the gate, the voice control will be saved

can I have a link for voice control modules?

when i purchase license i didn't see option to add voice control 

only pro(panel/server), lite(panel/server) and Gate

voice control modules available in iRidium store https://www.iridiummobile.net/store/

can I use iRidiumServer64 that came with pro for hosting lite project

or i have to use Server for lite version only

No, for lite project you should use only lite server