
sendEx does send requests sequential

Benno Evers 7 years ago updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 years ago 1


I've seen sendEx does send requests sequential. So one after another. It waits on a response or timeout before it goes on with the next request it has in queue. Setting the flag 'disable queue' gives the same behaviour. Is there a way to avoid this? A webserver normally can handle multiple requests.

In my particular project it takes about 10 seconds before all statusses are received when starting iRidium, this can easily put down to 3 seconds or something when we can do requests in parallel.



I do not think that this is possible, because when parallel sending we will not understand who received the response with the status. To make it work, you need to open several outgoing connections on several  ports and then the third-party server will seem to be asked by different clients. But then there may be a problem with the authentication and storage of session variables. Winning in speed can cost too much for uncertain behavior.