[iRidiumServer][Linux] How to backup and restore database
Good day,
i have an iRidium Server on RaspberryPi with SD damaged, so i need to move the project and database to a NUC with Raspberry Pi OS for Desktop.
I install iRidiumServer for Linux and upload my project from cloud. More i move the IridiumStorage.db from "/var/lib/iRidium Server/Database" on RaspberryPi (old backup) to "/root/iRidium Server/Database" on NUC.
After, i run iRidiumServer and it work correctly and i see the correct size of DB on webpage, but i can't see the data on variable chart.
How can i check if iRidium load correctly the DB? And load old data storaged in DB?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Look in /var/lib/iRidium Server/Logs/ - are there any errors in the database? If there are no errors, open the DB file with a third-party viewer and make sure that the necessary data is there.
Hello Vladimir,
I check logs and i not find anything for DB error.
But i find the logs in "/root/iRidium Server/Logs/" (on new server).
i copy the database into "/root/iRidium Server/Database" as i can see on web page (DataBase Directory: /root/iRidium Server/DataBase/).
I check the DB with third-party viewer and the data is ok.
Please check if you can load it.
Thank you
That's right, for the x86 platform, the document directory is located in /root/iRidium Server/. The database file is correct, after loading the project historical data should be displayed in the trends. Can you specify the name of tags that you don't see in the trends? If you attach a project that worked with this database, we can immediately check whether the tags are correctly linked to the entries in the database.
This is the project
ECA Technology.sirpz
and now iridium load the data. I think to find the problem: the permission of DB. Initiali the file have pi:pi as proprietary. Now i change it to root:root and i can see old value stored in the DB.
In any case, Can you try it for confirmation?
Thank you.
We also display historical data correctly:
Ok, thank you Vladimir.