Under review

does a driver exist for Hunter Douglas Powerview for controlling Luxaflex blinds?

AdG 4 years ago updated by Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 4 years ago 4

I need a driver to control Luxaflex blinds. The blinds are controlled by a Hunter Douglas Powerview hub. Hunter Douglas has an API available for it. Did somebody write a driver to control this from iRidium Mobile already?

Under review


we have no plans about this driver.

Maybe some freelancers can help you with this.


1. Get a "PowerView Hub (Gen 2)" to be paired with drapes.

2. Use "PowerView App" to set up some "scene".

3. use this http command to get "scene ID" from the hub: http://ipaddress/api/scenes.

PS: you can reasily get this via any web browser, then you will get some scene ID's, for example a scene ID is "123".

4. Then just send "http://ipaddress/api/scenes?sceneId=123", and you can activate the scene stored in the hub.

This is not the officail API for "Gen 2 Hub", but it's the latest one and working, be minded the upper letters of commands.

Screenshots from my working project:



Thanks Richard for your reply!

In Dutch: 
Richard, zou je ons je project eens willen mailen? Misschien leuk om een keer te delen op onze socials; we hebben meer klanten die zoeken naar oplossingen voor Luxaflex (en/of Somfy). Ons email adres is: info@iRidiumMobile.nl

Wil zowieso graag eens met je contacten; ik zie je naam regelmatig voorbij komen op dit forum, maar ken je nog niet ;-)


Theo Derks - iRidiumMobile.nl