Under review

Offline Emulation

Mike Slattery 8 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated 8 years ago 4

I was at a job site without internet and needed to run the emulator and could not get it to work. Is it possible to test the program using the emulator when there is no internet?

Under review


When working with i3Pro app in the emulator mode, you have only 20 minutes of test mode. That is, the project will work a full 20 minutes, after exceeding this limit, there is a connection failure with the equipment.

Can I run the Emulator without being connected to the internet? 
I was working on a system with no internet access and could not debug. This is what displayed in the  log:

ERROR CUSTOM_HTTP iRidumCloudDriver(0): Time of waiting for connection is over!


Yes, you can run the Emulator without Internet access. It will show the specified error, but the work is not affected.

But if you want to load a commercial license, you will need an Internet connection, because this license can only be downloaded from the cloud.

Yes I had tried it again and had not issue.

