Remote Debugging not working for Windows

Jackie Roos 8 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated 8 years ago 1

As confirmed by private ticket, remote debugging is not working for windows

Remote debugging is intended primarily for logging the control panels (tablets, phones etc.). I.e. those devices that don't have own logging. So remote logging works for panels.i3Pro on PC has its own log

This used to work in iRidium 2 and I have used a remote debugging system extensively on a live client commercial site to monitor behaviour and send emails for certain conditions etc.

Client logging in the Log only has so much room in the buffer, you have to physically watch the log and and save the logging. This is not useful and does not meet the requirements that remote debugging does -> sending ALL logging to another system that can record all logs remotely.

Please please please put it back.

Removing functionality like this is not cool. Why was it taken out?

In addition, if I created a server project just to get more logging, the server truncates the logging if there is too much, eg in long JSON data from Nuvo:

remote debugging for windows is crucial