Speech recognition with Alexa Amazon Echo Google Home
are there any good solutions to combine iRidium Server with any of the new speech systems on the market? To trigger some action on iRidium for example without using a iRidium panel.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yes, we're working on it. I think that the release date would be scheduled in the spring.
great, can you tell us on what "system" you're currently working? a google or a amazon solution? or another one?
will this be a solution using the ha-bridge? or do you have something own in mind?
Hello, any news on this topic? :)
We testing Alexa now and it works fine. Soon in release...
ждем тоже
is there any possibility to join Your tests?
We have exhibition RESTA2017 in Lithuania upcoming. It is taking place at 26-29 of April.
It would be nice to have it functioning :)
thanks :)
count me in for testing, have alexa up and running on the bench
I would also like to be included for the alexa testing
so whats the progress?
it is available now for i3lite http://www.iridiummobile.net/store/?moduleID=370
When do you expect it to be ready for i3pro? Thanks
Any update on when it will be ready for i3 pro?
Alexa Support for i3 pro server ??? People are asking, whats your current status?
Now we are working on the possibility of using lite modules in pro. We plan to release this functionality before the end of the year, after that all modules from lite will be available in pro
Can UMC Server be controled by voice?
What about GOOGLE HOME?
What versions of IRIDIUM MOBILE can?
Its about time...
Take a look at google partners in this kind of projects
Thank you
For iRidium 3 Pro http://support.iridiummobile.net/topics/274-speech-api/
The UMC server can be used for Alexa voice control.
Google Home voice control is approving now (in Google). It will be available soon.
Hi Aleksandr,
have you a news? Can we use UMC server for voice control with google home?
Hi, yes, you can use UMC for voice control, but only with i3lite. For i3pro it will be available in 3 month.
Hello Guys,
we are planning on using iridium with the support of google voice.
Could you please let me know exactly which hardware i need? for example :
if i need the google voice assistant hardware
if i need a phone with google voice installed in it
if i need a phone with only iridium lite
If i need the gate
1. If you use iRidium lite: you need iRidium server for lite
2. If you use iRidium pro: you need iRidium gate (but in 1-2 month you can use ordinary iRidum server for pro)
So can I also integrate the Google Voice assistant hardware?
Sorry, what you mean?
Google has got the Google HOME hardware. Can we integrate with it or the user should have a phone with iridium lite always on?
So we just work with GHome, the lite itself does not recognize the commands. The voice is recognized either by the Google application on your phone or by Google's Home acoustics
Ok perfect. Just one more question. With the gate license will give me also the Raspberry?
Yes, correct
Hi, are you working also to have Iridium Skill for Alexa that work in ITALIAN ?
For Italian our skill will be available next week.
Hi, just thinking if is there any way to let Alexa tell you something based on event. for example:
If the door bell ring, Alexa will tell you "Someone is ringing at the door, would you like me to open the door ?" and the waiting for a command (YEs/NO)
If you electrical power exeed the limit, Alexa will tell you "Attention, you're over load !, would you like me to turn off the hoven ?" and the waiting for a command (YEs/NO).
In this way it would be much more interactive.
Please let me know.
Best regards and happy new year !