
Buffer tool for images downloaded by http

Никита Хандусенко 9 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 5
For the moment of writing this comment, I found by testing that the buffer tool for images (posibly for other files) in i2Control is as follows: when the total size of all files reaches some particular maximum, the buffer clears itself. It causes problems with displaying uploaded images. If there is such a possiblity I would like to request more advanced system for processing cache, for example cache queueing when old items are removed by the FIFO principle First In — First Out. And there is a rule: "what is on the visible part of the screen has to be displayed (uploaded, if there is not such at the moment)". I really hope that this tool can be implemented in iRidium.



Hello everyone.

You should try to work with new list (only for i3 pro).

We wait your feedbacks!

Никита, вы отображаете картинки в List?
Столкнулся с такой-же проблемой. Хотели использовать динамическю загрузку каринок для отображение в списке. Отказались в связи с тем что они пропадают.

Hello everyone.

You should try to work with new list (only for i3 pro).

We wait your feedbacks!