Printing the Command and Feedback
It would be nice if he had on option to print all the Command and Feedback variables including their Properties.
This way when you created hundreds of Variables you print them on paper or print them to a "file format" to be able to check if all your varibales are correct.
Because they would be all underneath each other it would be easy to find "typos" or other mistakes.
Now it is quite difficult to click trough every variable and check every value.
Some thing like this:
Light_DimValue_B1 / REAL / R / 500
Light_A1 / Bool / R / 100.0
Light_A2 / Bool / R / 100.1
Light_A3 / Bool / R / 100.2
Light_DimValue_B1 / REAL / R / 600
Return_Status_Light_A1 / Bool / R / 200.0
Return_Status_Light_A2 / Bool / R / 200.1
It would be nice if he had on option to print all the Command and Feedback variables including their Properties.
This way when you created hundreds of Variables you print them on paper or print them to a "file format" to be able to check if all your varibales are correct.
Because they would be all underneath each other it would be easy to find "typos" or other mistakes.
Now it is quite difficult to click trough every variable and check every value.
Some thing like this:
Light_DimValue_B1 / REAL / R / 500
Light_A1 / Bool / R / 100.0
Light_A2 / Bool / R / 100.1
Light_A3 / Bool / R / 100.2
Light_DimValue_B1 / REAL / R / 600
Return_Status_Light_A1 / Bool / R / 200.0
Return_Status_Light_A2 / Bool / R / 200.1
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thank you for your offer
iRidium mobile team
Any news on this ?
Unfortunately, at the moment this functionality is not implemented. And no in plans for the future.
I thinks it can import and export to txt or exel. To use list command for many project so installer do'nt need recreat all command for new project.
You can read file server i3 by notepad or MSWord then you can use Find and Replace
find "/> Replace "/>^p to separate each command.
<Channel ID="11" Name="PowerOff" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/>
<Channel ID="12" Name="PowerOn" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/>
<Channel ID="13" Name="Swing30Degreed" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/>
Hi Xuan,
Were do you find this file? We are talking about I3 pro project not a server project.
Hi Paulo? Do you mean Panel project in I3 pro? You open your file by Notepad. So you can read some information:
( .... <Tag ID="16" Name="101SetTemp" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="17" Name="102" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="18" Name="102FanSpeedHighState" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="19" Name="102FanSpeedLowState" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="20" Name="102FanSpeedMedState" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="21" Name="102Mode" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="22" Name="102ModeCoolState" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="23" Name="102ModeHeatState" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="24" Name="102ModeFanState" Size="4" Data="00, 00, 00, 00"/><Tag ID="25" Name="102ModeDryStat... )
Next you cand coppy this to MSWord and use find and Replay to separate each command and Feedback. "Tag ID" is name of feedback.
"You open your file by Notepad"
which file ?
xxxx.irpz file ?
Hello, you can open .irpz in any UNZIP programm (RAR, ZIP, 7z etc). In this archiv open project.xml...
ok i did that after unpacking i dont have project.xml.... i have config.xml and i opened that one with notepad but it doesn't show the program variables only settings stuff
Ok i did that... Now i found lets say variable "With lighting schedule"
<Tag ID="1" Name="With_Lighting_Schedule" Size="7" Data="01, 03, 50, C3, 00, 00, 05"/>
where is the variable in this ?
In the program the variable is R 50000.5
this is a technical representation (read from right to left), and not a finished list.
Data="01, 03, 50, C3, 00, 00, 05" =
05 + 00 + 00 = "50000"
С3= "."
50 = "5"
"03 + 01" = Type R
:)) ok... i understand but this is not what we need... This whole procedure makes it at least as time consuming as going trough every channel and check each variable as it was written in the original post. I agree this is some solution but not the right one.
I absolutely agree with you - it was just an offer from the users ... ...))
Ok, after checking "Vuong Xuan Phuc" solution we came to the results: yes you can find the variables somewhere deep in the program files and then copy them, separate them and figure out what is what... but the whole procedure is kind of pointless because time-wise it will not safe you much time if any at all.
So my original post stands please add a function into Iridium were we can save Commands and Feedback into a file format for proof reading, troubleshooting etc..
Everybody please keep voting for this so Iridium Team can implement this.
Thank you all....