Philips Hue is not working in i3 Pro 3.0
is it right, the current example for Philips Hue is not working?
i tested the driver on www.iridiumMobile.net, but it's not working.
Please fix

Hello Theo,
Now, driver Philips Hue will be supported by i3 Lite. It will be not supported in the first release version i3 pro.

Hi Aleksandr,
Now the last program you send me is working so far.
This page does not seem to work "The top always says Hue Lamp 3" not sure thats the right lamp.

Also do i always have to press the link button on the device in the future ?... Because the device will be mounted in ceiling soon.

In Inits_hue.js on 86 row, you can change value HUE.HueUserID = undefined;

Hi Aleksandr,
Now its working fine.
I have 2 questions.
1. Do i always have to press the link button ? I remeber in the old version there was automatic discovery mode.
2. Is this the final version of HUE Software template ? Or will you do some more modifications?

1. As written above, you can register a key in the code and no longer need to press the button on the hub.
2. This is just an example of HUE, we rework the code in the format of driver that can be used with any design.
Thank you for your efforts and assistance in finding errors!

Hello Alexsandr,
Has this code finally be cleaned up and ready to be used by any design ?
i still get lots off errors and stuff in the log.
It clogs the whole Log and kepps scrolling and scrolling this is not good for the rest of the software if i cant read the log because of this unclean HUE version.
Please fix this finally....
Example of junk in the log:
[30-10-2017 18:42:41.489] WARNING LOADER Licence script mode = 0
[30-10-2017 18:42:42.068] INFO CORE *** The client started to work ***
[30-10-2017 18:42:43.961] INFO SCRIPT Получение ip и id через брокер : [{"id":"001788fffe105f5d","internalipaddress":""}]
[30-10-2017 18:42:43.964] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this.accessToken undefined
[30-10-2017 18:42:43.965] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ local connection
[30-10-2017 18:42:43.966] INFO SCRIPT Hue con start : : 0
[30-10-2017 18:42:43.967] INFO SCRIPT dddddddddddddddddddddddd undefined
[30-10-2017 18:42:43.968] INFO SCRIPT local start test device : [object DevicePrototype] , : Hue
[30-10-2017 18:42:44.198] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["error"]
[30-10-2017 18:42:44.199] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERROR 101:
[30-10-2017 18:42:47.298] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["error"]
[30-10-2017 18:42:47.300] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERROR 101:
[30-10-2017 18:42:50.402] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["error"]
[30-10-2017 18:42:50.408] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERROR 101:
[30-10-2017 18:42:53.491] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["error"]
[30-10-2017 18:42:53.492] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERROR 101:
[30-10-2017 18:42:56.794] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["success"]
[30-10-2017 18:42:56.805] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~username HueUserID : VbHMr3uEdkhAYVyYTLSw3wSuiM3qiDWFvJgFsiDe
[30-10-2017 18:42:56.806] INFO SCRIPT ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
[30-10-2017 18:42:56.806] INFO SCRIPT getall
[30-10-2017 18:42:56.807] INFO SCRIPT update модуль 2 HueUserID VbHMr3uEdkhAYVyYTLSw3wSuiM3qiDWFvJgFsiDe
[30-10-2017 18:42:57.195] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["config", "groups", "lights", "resourcelinks", "rules", "scenes", "schedules", "sensors"]
[30-10-2017 18:42:57.199] INFO SCRIPT config : 1,2,3
[30-10-2017 18:42:57.200] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~create HUE.HUE_GUI[Widget]1
[30-10-2017 18:42:57.209] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~create HUE.HUE_GUI[Widget]2
[30-10-2017 18:42:57.219] INFO SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~create HUE.HUE_GUI[Widget]3
[30-10-2017 18:43:00.171] INFO SCRIPT SEND getlight 1
[30-10-2017 18:43:00.309] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["error"]
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.133] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["success"]
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.136] INFO SCRIPT id_2 : /lights/1/state/on
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.166] INFO SCRIPT SEND getlight 1
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.358] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["success"]
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.370] INFO SCRIPT id_2 : /lights/2/state/on
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.565] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["success"]
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.573] INFO SCRIPT id_2 : /lights/3/state/on
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.859] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["success"]
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.867] INFO SCRIPT id_2 : /lights/3/state/on
[30-10-2017 18:43:03.989] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["error"]

Hello Dimitry,
The version you just send is clean but it was the old version without the selection for more than 1 HUE lamp. Last time you added the support for more lamps... see project you send me a while ago..
Now this versions works but its not clean and has lots of stuff in the log...

Hello Dimitry,
I wanted to ask if you had time to add the selector switch for the other HUE Lamps in the clean version "HUE.rar"
Right now the Version above you send doesnt allow more than 1 Lamp

Again i would like to ask if the last HUE version (clean version without log comments) has now the ability to select multiple lamps?

Where do i find the key? i looked in the log i found User ID SWtjgSQMalbSTx7ypCIP-eSUIVwVOFCc2NWk9Qpx
i used that string instead of undefined; but it did give me a script error.

The key is similar to the right. You're in the line he was surrounded by braces?
HUE.HueUserID = "SWtjgSQMalbSTx7ypCIP-eSUIVwVOFCc2NWk9Qpx";

yes that´s correct... silly me i forgot the braces... Can you tell me one last thing. I might want to connect the HUE colour picker also with a RGB Strip light i have here.
I want to do some experiment to see if i can get this to work. Can you tell me where (in which line) the colour from the colour picker is actually transferred to the lamp?

In row 187 hue_driver.js color geting from color_picker and transform to HSV format for lamp

Hello Aleksandr,
In an older Costumer Project i am using the HUE template "HUE_1.1.18" from Iridium V2 (See Attachment).
Now i need to update this costumer soon with the new Iridium V3 for server functionality.
The problem is i can not change all the HUE graphics etc. because the costumer is now used to this type and it would look weird.
Do you know anybody who can to this kind of Job implement the new JS code into the old Template.
I can try it myself but it will take me very long to complete. ( Of course this would need to be a paid job).
Please advise,

Unfortunately, we currently do not offer this service, so any attempt to on the basis of an example, or wait for the HUE driver ...

Hello Aleksandr,
As you told me 5 montha go that you will rework the code D.o you have any Idea when the reworked HUE Driver will be available? The code is quite a mess to be honest and is difficult for me to implement this in new GUI designs.
Any Information on this?

By January 2017 we plan to make available LITE modules in the form of drivers in the Studio. Including Phillips HUE

Hello Aleksandr,
Are there any news on this Topic ? We really would like to use the HUE driver in our new Projects but it is not possible to implement with the status of the code. I keep telling my clients that we can just offer this beta version without customization..
Also it keeps logging and logging stuff when you run the App. Like the below get send over and over which is not good as it keeps communication traffic up.
[08-02-2017 18:01:08.127] INFO SCRIPT analyze start keys: ["1", "2", "3"]

does anyone have the latest version? Can you give it to me? thank you very much
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
Hello Paulo,
You can test it: http://www.iridiummobile.ru/download/software/v3/module/philips-hue/