Not a bug


Dmitry Ryzhkov 9 jaar geleden in Applications / i3 Pro bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 6 jaar geleden 12

The big request to add support for iBeacon. Since through this functionality (IR.EVENT_DEVICE_BLE_FOUND) in i3 pro for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) is impossible to get a true UUID, it is replaced. Which leads to difficulties in the identification iBeacon.

The big request to add support for iBeacon. Since through this functionality (IR.EVENT_DEVICE_BLE_FOUND) in i3 pro for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) is impossible to get a true UUID, it is replaced. Which leads to difficulties in the identification iBeacon.

Hi Oksana,

I am working on an app, which will be installed on a yacht. The owner will be able to control functions in each specific cabin. Right now the owners must first select in which area he is located and then operate the room, while Apple has launched support for the wonderful iBeacon technology quite a while ago. This functionality would really make the app great and will give this app much much more value!

Please add support for iBeacons and document it.

I have been searching for IR.EVENT_DEVICE_BLE_FOUND, but could not find any information about it.


Jan Oost

Anything reviewed yet? What's the progress?

Hello Jan,

Module for iBeacon is in development now. Please, wait

Hi Oksana,

It has been a while ago and I was wondering if there is some progress on the iBeacons?

Please when can I expect iBeacon support? It would make the app so much better to use at multiple locations.


Jan Oost

We are currently testing this feature, because It does not work with all equipment.

Hi Aleksandr,

Is there a timeline for me to expect at least some possibilities? I am currently working on an app which will be developed for a luxurious yacht. Right now the owner must select in which area he is present. With iBeacons I can skip the selection process.

And secondly, if there is a small amount of equipment to use, I am happy enough already!


Jan Oost

You can test this example, it is possible for all of your devices will work. Pay attention to the display UID with different iPad - we have some beacons were defined differently.

iBeacon Scanner.irpz iBeacon Module.irpz

Thank you Aleksandr,

I have implemented it in my app. And I can confirm, that not all iBeacons are found, but that is not the problem of the iRidium. I have tested it with multiple iPads and iPhones. All see different iBeacons. I installed Find My Stuff and they have the same problem! All iBeacons which I can find with Find My Stuff, can also be found with the iRidium app! Soon I will get some Estimote iBeacons and I will test it with those. I suspect the problem is IOS or the hardware.


Jan Oost


Hi, is it possibl eto have more detailed information on how to use the script. Is there any possibility to put on wiki pages ? I would like to built an app, that based on the location given by iBeacons, will automatically shop the specific page. the problem that I have multiple beacon amd multiple location. I guss that the app is connectin to one beacon at time. Is there someone that can share his applicaiton with me to help on that ?


I am very curious is there is some progress? 2 years ago I received some project information, which helped me implementing iBeacon information in my app. Biggest issue is that my customers need to re-initialize their app, because  the UIDs are different for each device. While when using other software, I can see the UID is always the same on different devices. 

When will BLE be upgraded to a fully supported part of iRidium Mobile? If there are no plans for the coming future, then that is an answer also...


Jan Oost

Not a bug


I can not agree that other applications can show the same UUID, because on the documentation this does not work. Maybe they show some other property?
Unfortunately, practical experience has shown that the use of this technology has many limitations, so we no longer refine this feature. If you have a large project in which this technology could be applied, we can discuss the necessary improvements.