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Server web-interface won't work in internet explorer

Erik van den Brink 9 years ago in Applications / Web-interface updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 4

If i want to use the web-interface of the server, this is only working when i'm using the google chrome browser. Is this a known issue or do i need to change some settings in internet explorer if want to use it.

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Hello Erik,

What version of internet explorer do you use?

We start web-interface with explorer 10 and 11.

I'm going to test it on monday. i'll then let you know if this was the problem (it propably shall be when i see your screenshot like this)


We discovered the problem already. We have to enter http:// manually before the IP-address is entered. Than it's working ok.



Try to disable Protected mode in the settings of your browser.