
Galaxy View support

Andrey Honich 8 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Oksana (expert) 8 лет назад 7


I'm using Samsung Galaxy View as my room control panel. But unfortunately it's not among compatible devices for i3 pro. Are there plans to support this device for i3 pro please? For me it is very important. I2 control is supported on Galaxy View.



Hello Andrey,

Please, check, now, you can find i3 pro (1.0.5) on Google Play for Galaxy View

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Hello Andrey,

What happened, when you open i3 pro in Samsung Galaxy View?


As I said this device isn't supported. So I cannot find it on google Play Market. Thus cannot install it.

If I open google Play Market on my PC and try to install it from PC - it says that Galaxy View is not compatible device.

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Andrey, Can you install the app manually, not via GooglePlay?

Link for downloading APK: http://www.iridiummobile.net/redirects/?go=i3_pro_Android

Will check and let you know.

Thank you!


Hello Andrey,

Please, check, now, you can find i3 pro (1.0.5) on Google Play for Galaxy View

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