
Slow running of emulator

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 4

Two projects, exactly the same, one page, 5 scripts that are the same. One project in iRidium 2.2.3, the second project recreated (not updgraded) in iRidium Studio 1.04

iRidium 2.2.3 - running the emulator is almost instant: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7zxnokxggd7kqc2/iRidium%202.2.3%20start%20of%20emulator.flv?dl=0

iRidium Studio - takes 8-10 seconds to start the emulator, 'zipping' is taking the time: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bhq7qaz4c1j0tgz/iRidium3%20start%20of%20emulator.flv?dl=0

Please fix so studio is faster to run the emulator.



Your projects is not the same. Project test v3.irp has 250~ images. If you delete this images - speed will be same.

But we plan to change "Unzipping" in near releases.

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Hello Jackie,

Can you send the prjoject?


Your projects is not the same. Project test v3.irp has 250~ images. If you delete this images - speed will be same.

But we plan to change "Unzipping" in near releases.