
Pop Up Groups

Maurits Roos 9 jaar geleden in Applications / i3 Pro bijgewerkt door Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 8 jaar geleden 13

In I2 in the Pages overview you had a second view for the popup groups

In I3 the popup groups are done if you group the folder which means you cannot put the popup in any other folder if you want to keep it in the popup group

This has made the ability keep your pages and popups in folders to keep you project in order and tidy very limiting as you have keep the popups you want in popup groups in that folder only

This make big projects very hard to manage

can we make popup groups in a separate view again so in the main view we can put any page or popup in any folder regardless of what popup group they are in



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Hi Maurits,

on iRidium Studio, developers insert a dedicate window for manage popup groups.

But, personally, I think that is more useful old management. Double group can confuse.

It would be better to have a flag to choose if use the new or old management.


i agree with Franscesco and Maurits. My installers wants the OLD situation; now management of folders/groups/popups is 5 steps back in the history.

They want the old management back!



Indeed old management... this does not work!

please go back to old management.. there is NO structure in the projects more.. I agree with the other guys..


In v1.0.5 I see if we right click on popup we now have add in popup group option and now have manage popup group window

Now when we open V2 project folders stay itact and can put any popup in any folder with popup groups staying intact

This is very much improved thankyou

There is still a issue with the Hide popup group if you create a new popup group you cannot acces any popup groups in the hide group command they have all disapeared fron the drop down box


Now, you can use it! Please, Download! =)

Our installers are still waiting for the old management.

The new one (with 'Manage popup groups" is NOT workable.

Please go back to the old way!



Hi Theo

I like the new way and find it very useful

What is it that installers don't like?


Hi Jackie

because, if they want to manage popupgroups, they have to go to the projectname, rightclick, select Manage Popup Groups, and then they can manage the popups.

Before (in V2) it was one button, and ready...


Did you see it is now on the right mouse button click of popups in 1.0.6?

No, i didn't see this new feature.

I read all change-logs, and checked them a few minutes ago, but nothing about this new 'feature' in the change-logs...

So, nobody told me, and i didn't know :-(

But it's good to know, Jackie, thanks for the update! Your info is better than the change-logs from programmers ;-)



Found it by accident :)


yes, it's 'great' (-not-) we are informed about this :-(

Why oh why nobody say this? Today, i have spent about 40 minutes with Dmitry to show him what i mean with these popups. And what installers want. But he don't say anything about this feature...

Maybe also he don't know it; and it's implemented by programmers like a hidden gift ;-)

Anyway: thanks!
