KNX Home Server and i3 KNX. Changelog (EN)
RU: История версий KNX Home Server на русском языке
i3 KNX v1.17.2 (only Android)
Released: 21.01.2025
- Fixed work with Fermax intercoms.KNX Home Server v1.17.2 and i3 KNX v1.17.2 (only iOS!)
Released: 13.01.2025
- Fixed an issue where links from the web page widget would not open correctly.- Fixed the Sonos audio player widget.
i3 KNX v1.17.1 (only iOS!)
Released: 09.12.2024
KNX Home Server v1.17.0 and i3 KNX v1.17.0
Released: 13.11.2024
- Import. Fixed import functionality for ETS projects with data types "17.001 Scene Number" and "18.001 Scene Control".
- KNX Scene Numbers. Corrected the offset of KNX scene numbers ("17.001 Scene Number" and "18.001 Scene Control").
- SIP Subscribers. Added the ability to input the "*" symbol for configuring the "Door opening password" setting.
- SIP. Fixed incoming calls to the panel from True-IP intercoms.
- Push Notifications. Fixed push notifications on Android and iOS.
- Device Sorting. Changed the order of device sorting upon addition.
- iOS. Adapted the interface display for iPhone: 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max.
KNX Home Server v1.16.2
Released: 28.02.2024
- The functionality of macros through Alice has been fixed (if the macros were not working, please add them again in the Alice application)
- The widget lock has been fixed.
KNX Home Server v1.16.1
Released: 20.12.2023
- The stability of connection to the Voice control services has been increased: there will be fewer situations where the voice control of equipment does not work for some time
KNX Home Server v1.16.0 and i3 KNX v1.16.0
Released: 17.10.2023
- Samsung TV module operation improved: the list of supported TVs has been expanded
- Support for iOS 17 added
- System settings update
KNX Home Server v1.15.1
Released: 22.08.2023
- Debugging
- Work stability is improved
KNX Home Server v1.15.0 and i3 KNX v1.15.0
Released: 24.07.2023
- i3 KNX. The smartphone version of the application has received an enhanced design: now the widgets are rounded and look neat, similar to the tablet version.
- The smartphone version has received an enhanced design: now the widgets are rounded and look neat, similar to the tablet version.
- Fixed interface display error when opening the keyboard on Android 12.
All OS
- The "Virtual Thermostat" widget, capable of replacing a KNX thermostat with 1 regular KNX relay and a temperature sensor, can now be voice-controlled through Alice, Amazon, Google Home.
- The "Dimmer" widget can now control the color temperature of the lighting source. Voice control of the color temperature is also available.
- Alice's functionality has been improved: we have obtained official skill certification and added handling for all necessary interaction scenarios with Alice.
- Added support for Fermax intercoms: a special widget with door opening and camera control.
- The "Climate" widget now allows specifying the type of controlled load: air conditioner or underfloor heating, so that the voice assistant always understands which group of devices to control. And to make it easier to understand, we have updated the documentation for Alice.
- The icons on the "Blinds" widget automatically change when the type of curtains is changed (see the "Visual Display" setting). Different icons will be displayed for blinds and curtains with different assembly types.
- The error when importing group addresses with type 20.102 HVAC Mode from ETS has been fixed. Now, after importing, the air conditioner modes will have the correct KNX type and subtype.
- Visual imperfections and some settings dialogues in the application have been fixed.
KNX Home Server
- The ETS Remote add-on is now available in the KNX Home Server! It is used to connect to a remote object in ETS without setting up a VPN. All you need is a server on the object and a few clicks. You can enable the ETS Remote functionality on any existing server after updating and purchasing the add-on license. Documentation is available on the wiki!
- The Rules on the server work better: upon server reboot, actions from the Rules will not trigger again if the triggering condition is set to "Mode" and its state has not changed.
- The Schedules on the server have become more predictable: they are configured based on the time zone of the control panel and executed based on the server time.
- The server now monitors the amount of free memory more effectively: logs will no longer fill up all available space, as the server no longer retains excessive data. Before updating the server version, system logs are cleared.
KNX Home Server v1.14.1 and i3 KNX v1.14.1
Released: 21.03.2023
- Added support for HS Server
KNX Home Server v1.14.0 and i3 KNX v1.14.0
Released: 14.12.2022
- Added Air Conditioner widget
- Added the function of moving devices in the list
- Added the capability to import and export KNX devices
- Climate. Added On/Off status display
- Thermostat. Added the "Heater type" setting
- Thermostat. Added setting of the heater operation when the widget is turned off
- Curtains. Alice. Added open/close and 0-100% control at the same time
- Fixed "Moving" status display for curtains
- Fixed device management via Google Home
- Fixed bugs in the operation of the Virtual thermostat and timers
KNX Home Server v1.13.3 and i3 KNX v1.13.3
Released: 27.09.2022
- The synchronization error with the Yandex.Alice skill is fixed
KNX Home Server v1.13.2 and i3 KNX v1.13.2
Released: 21.07.2022
- Compatibility with clients on iOS 16 is realized
KNX Home Server v1.13.1 and i3 KNX v1.13.1
Released: 21.07.2022
- Voice assistants: a capability to turn on Marco and Mode is added
- KNX widgets: a capability to copy and paste settings of typical widgets is added
- KNX TP: a capability to change the physical address of KNX Home Server in KNX bus from the Interfaces tab in ETS is added
- KNX scenes: work with "Scene Control /18.001" type of data is corrected
- KNX widget of time and date: a capability to send time and date to the bus when the server starts is added
- KNX widget - Blinds: an error in controlling blinds via Yandex Alice when there is no control of position is corrected
- KNX widget- Dimmer: "Color temperature" slider is added
- IP cameras: "downloading video" icon is displayed during connection to the camera
- Languages: support of Unicode symbols is added (Vietnamese and other languages)
- Languages: sift in translation of weekdays in Timers is corrected
- Android: a screensaver functions for smartphones is added in the portrait orientation of an interface
- Several monitors: scrolling lists on the second and the following monitors is corrected
- Minor errors are corrected
KNX Home Server v1.12.0 and i3 KNX app v1.12.0
Released: 29.11.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- SIP-intercom: A widget for Akuvox intercom and a capability to open an image from any intercom fullscreen are added
- KNX widget Shutters: "Stop" button is added; settings to display the position are widened — a capability to invert the position is added
- KNX widgets Climate and Virtual thermostat: a capability to rename modes is added
- KNX widget for Climate: setting of values in the following parameters is added "On/Off", "Cooling status", "Heating status"
- KNX widget Block of buttons: when "1 bit" type is chosen, the value of the button automatically changes into 1
- iPhone 12 and 13: interface items overlapping the status panel is corrected
- Android: a capability to control screen brightness is added into the app Settings
- Saving widget location when going from room to room is corrected
- Localization into Dutch is updated.
KNX Home Server v1.11.2 and i3 KNX app v1.11.2
Released: 06.10.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- An errors in the Bluesound device is corrected.
KNX Home Server v1.11.1 and i3 KNX app v1.11.1
Released: 15.09.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- Bugs fixed.
KNX Home Server v1.11.0 and i3 KNX app v1.11.0
Released: 13.09.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- Support of Bluesound audio multiroom is added.
- "Fan" KNX widget is added.
- "Virtual thermostat" KNX widget is added for two-point control of the heater temperature.
- The "Start project " button is renamed and replaced in the configurator.
- A capability to start macros from routines is added.
- Now a list of rooms returns to the previous positions after exiting a room
- A capability to send a video stream from IP-cameras via TCP is added
- Timers are now sorted by the time of their activation.
- Automatic update of the app for Android without Play Market is corrected.
- An error in the interface to set the static IP-address of the sever is corrected.
KNX Home Server v1.10.0 and i3 KNX app v1.10.0
Released: 13.05.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- A new KNX widget is added – a TV remote. It allows to enter group addresses that are responsible for functions of a standard TV- remote. Up to 13 buttons, that can be named freely, can be created on a remote. link
- Support of the Czech, Slovak and Polish languages is added. Translations into Chinese, French and Dutch are updated.
- Support of the following KNX types is added: 229.001 (meter value), 251.600 (RGBW color), 232.600 (RGB color). The value of a color must be calculated to send it to an address by conversing the HEX code into an integer number.
- A list of users with a guest access is visually separated from a list of project administrators who can edit a project. It is done for easier distinction between them. link
- When a server is reset to default settings, a license key is not required to enter to activate the server one more time – a panel recognizes the server by a unique IS and activates the server without entering the key. A server and a panel must be in one local network to activate a server. If a server is changed, a license key must be entered.
- The appearance of banner-notifications is updated – they can contain more text.
- An error in the app work in networks supporting IPv6 is corrected.
- The app and the server still use only IPv4, but an active IPv6 does not cause errors.
- Absence of sound in incoming SIP-calls on Android panels is corrected.
- An error in displaying a list of modes on KNX Climate widget is corrected. Widgets that were added earlier remain unchanged if the error of display was compensated by changing a display mode. Newly-added widgets will work correctly.
KNX Home Server v1.9.0 and i3 KNX app v1.9.0
Released: 31.03.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- Guest access mode is added – access to certain rooms can be limited, remote control and setting timers can be allowed or banned; link
- Support of Fanvil intercom is added; link
- The text of the info message about no connection to the KNX bus is changed; link
- Conversion of images during uploading to a project is added; link
- The “Shutters” device is updated; link
- Deathorization from panels during password change is added; link
- The display of the target temperature during the movement of a sliding bar is added (earlier it was displayed only when a sliding bar is released);
- Switching off the screensaver by activation of a motion sensor is added for Android; link
- The range of values for ""Digital display"" device in increased up to eight-bit negative numbers and fractions;
- Import of ETS projects with a password is added; link
- TP1 physical address is divided with dots (used to be with a slash)
- Auto start of the app after installation on Windows is added.
- Dutch localization is updated
- Error is corrected: freezing of server update
- Minor improvements and corrections
KNX Home Server v1.8.0 and i3 KNX app v1.8.0
Released: 11.03.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- A system of backups is added: a capability to cancel changed on the server and in the i3 KNX app
- An error in the app work on DIVUS panels is: a navigation panel is always displayed
- KNX module, Climate: a capability to set “Thermostat modes” block of buttons is added
- KNX module, Climate: a capability to set a step of changing the required temperature (changing by 0.5 or 1 degree) is added in the widget and in routines.
- KNX module, Dimmer: a capability to set a step of absolute dimming is added
- KNX module, Dimmer: touch area of slider of a circular dimmer is increased (for more convenient control of brightness with the help of a circular dimmer)
- KNX module, Shutters: an error in the work of "Open" and "Close" routines (the routine did not work if a long press was not set)
- KNX module, Input number, Digital display: the heading area is increased (the heading of a widget can contain more symbols)
- SIP module: the "open/close door", "turn on/off light" events are added to intercoms
- The "Make public" button is now called "Save on server " and it is located in the top part of the app
- When the password of an account is changed, it is possible to reset authorization and remote access of devices authorized with this account.
- Control of edge lighting of iRidium panel P7-PoE from macros, modes and routines is added.
- Server update to the latest version when activated from the config is added (after resetting).
- Screensaver mode is added for built-in panels (iRidium panel 7, etc.). It is available only for templates.
- An error is corrected: the name of Wi-Fi network could not be identified on some devices when a project was created
- Errors are corrected, translation is improved and added
KNX Home Server v1.7.0 and i3 KNX app v1.7.0
Released: 27.01.2021
Changelog (main changes):
- Demo-mode for end-users is realized
- Fast access to setting timers is added
- i3 KNX version for Android with kiosk-mode support is added.
- Events of call start and call end of SIP server to use in routines are added.
- Sending IP address via a cloud for reliable location in the network is realized.
- Sonos driver is updated
- Minor corrections and developments
KNX Home Server v1.6.1 and i3 KNX app v1.6.1
Released: 26.11.2020
Changelog (main changes):
- The climate widget for KNX can work with 1 bit shift
- An error is corrected: timers can be activated by events of an astronomical timer (sunrise, noon, ...)
- It's easier to move floors in the mobile version
- Dutch and French localization is updated
- An error is corrected: devices located only on the main page can be used in macros and routines
KNX Home Server v1.6.0 and i3 KNX app v1.6.0
Released: 06.11.2020
Changelog (main changes):
- Google Home voice assistant is added
- Capability to add any widget to the main page is added, more layout capabilities are added
- Sonos: Favorites playlists can be added to the list to play
- A new module, "Web page" is added (following a link in the app)
- Other improvement and corrections
Changelog (detailed):
- Improvement: Google Home voice assistant is added
- Improvement: In Sonos Favorites playlists can be added to the list to play
- Improvement: In Sonos search of speakers in the local network for fast adding to a project is available (no need to enter the IP-address of the speaker manually)
- Improvement: Capability to drag floors in the Floors and rooms list is added
- Improvement: Capability to set a definite brightness value of a dimmer in timers is added
- Improvement: Selection of a way to connect i3 KNX to the server is moved to the step of project creation, the 4th step of the start setup is substituted
- Improvement: Button KNX Device can now process a "short" and "long" press separately (there used to be only a short press)
- Improvement: Any widgets, and not only modes and macros, can be added to the main page of the app.
- Improvement: "Large photo", like on the main page, can be added to any room, the photo on the main page canbe deleted of replaced with a small one.
- Improvement: The location of a room list on smart phones can be changed by moving “Rooms on phone” block on the main page of the app.
- Improvement: На Android устройствах теперь можно настроить значение DPI can be set on Android devices if the ratio of sides makes the interface look distorted or does not allow all widgets to be displayed on a screen fully. DPI setting is available on the main screen of the app (in project list), in user settings – top left corner
- Improvement: An end-user can link i3 KNX project in Yandex Alice if he is given such a “right”.
- Improvement: A project can’t be made public if KNX Home Server has a later version and i3 KNX has an earlier version (client update is required)
- Improvement: KNX dimmer always displays brightness value in per cent, %
- Improvement: Highlight of used group addressed of KNX devices in the list of imported group addresses is added
- Improvement: New Web page module is added)
- Development: A user without administration rights sees only information about himself in the Config (full list of users is hidden)
- Development: Capability to skip the step of client update at the app start is added
- Development: Increase/decrease icons on the widget of KNX dimmer are replaced with neutral - and +
- Error correction: Search of group addresses does not depend in the register in Cyrillic
- Error correction: Faster app start with Traditional Chinese localization
- Error correction: Wrong RGB commands were sent from Alice to KNX
- Error correction: In i3 KNX on Windows after changing network connection search of server stopped working forcing to restart the app.
- Error correction: Symbols with subscript signs in page heading are no longer cut
- Error correction: A white stripe on the main screen of the app when it is launched on iRidium panel 7 is deleted
- Error correction: Sonos S2 search did not work
- Error correction: (Х) button to exit the app disappeared during navigation in the Welcome pages on the full screen mode
- Error correction: A hyperlink was not seen in the highlighted line of a table of group addresses in the dark theme (Import table)
- Error correction: When a user was invited to a project a second time, a letter did not come to an e-mail
- Error correction: Creating a single mode was not considered as changes in a project, requiring publication
KNX Home Server v1.5.0 and i3 KNX app v1.5.0
Released: 25.09.2020
- Yandex Alice voice assistant
- Control of Sonos
- Saving group addresses from ETS project between sessions
- Display of group addressed from ETS project on mobile devices
- Import of building structure (floors and rooms) from ETS project
- French localization is added, Chinese localization is updated
- New parameter to control dimmer: dimming speed
- Widgets of a dimmer and a media remote are improved
- A device to send time and date to addresses of KNX bus is added
KNX Home Server v1.4.1 и i3 KNX app v1.4.1
Released: 01.09.2020
- Amazon Alexa voice assistant is added
KNX Home Server v1.4.0 и i3 KNX app v1.4.0
Released: 19.08.2020
- KNX widgets are improved
- Errors are corrected
KNX Home Server v1.3.0 и i3 KNX app v1.3.0
Released: 24.07.2020
- full-size remote for Samsung TV is corrected (problems with display)
- volume buttons on KNX media remote are corrected
- TP1 interface is selected as a way to connect to KNX by default in a new project
KNX Home Server v1.0.0 и i3 KNX app v1.0.0
Released: 15.07.2020
- control of KNX with the help of ready widgets
- import of group addressed from ETS (only on Windows)
- secure remote control from iOS, Android, Windows
- creation of timers, scenes, schedules
- IP-cameras
- SIP intercom
- Samsung TV (Q series 2019)
- white and black interface styles
- 7 languages of the app
Customer support service by UserEcho