Queues in AV&Custom (TCP, HTTP, GlobalCache) Drivers
iRidium Mobile 3.0 has new functions that can regulate command queue. This function is realized for the following drivers AV Custom TCP, AV Custom HTTP and Global Cache, thanks to which commands can be sent in a queue or without it. Earlier you could come across the following problem: when equipment was disconnected, commands were sent to it, and it caused malfunction. Now you can control yourself what a driver is to do in this or that situation..
It works this way:
- AV Custom TCP
1. If the number of attempts is 0 and the queue is on

Parameters that require changing are hilighted red below.

Disable Queue - the current state of the queue: 0 - off, 1- on
Send Command Attempts (0-255, where 0 is unlimited) - the number of connection attempts when the formed packet is saved.
- AV Custom HTTP
1. If the number of attempts is 0 and the queue is on

Parameters that require changing are hilighted red below.

Global Cache
To change settings go to the driver settings:

Parameters that require changing are hilighted red below.

Below are example projects where you can see how to change functions correctly via script.
It works this way:
- AV Custom TCP
1. If the number of attempts is 0 and the queue is on
а. If the driver is connected, data are sent at once
б. If there is no connection, data are sent after connection appears, there is no time limit and no limit of the number of connection attempts (connection interval is 7s)
2. If the number of attempts is 0 and the queue is off
а. If the driver is connected, data are sent at once
б. If there is no connection, data are ignored until connection appears (connection interval is 7s)
3. If the number of attempts is >0 and the queue is on
а. If the driver is connected, data are sent at once
б. If there is no connection, data are sent after connection appears. Depending on the number of connection attempts, all packets are excluded from the queue when the number of connection attempts is exceeded (connection interval is 7s). When there are no data in the queue, the connection interval is increased up to 20 s.
4. If the number of attempts is >0 and the queue is off
а. If the driver is connected, data are sent at once
б. If there is no connection, data are sent after connection appears (connection interval is 7s). When connection is lost or when you start ypur work, depending on the number of connection attempts, the interval between attempts is 7s. When the limit is exceed the connection interval is incresed up to 20s.
To change settings go to the driver settings
Parameters that require changing are hilighted red below.

Disable Queue - the current state of the queue: 0 - off, 1- on
Send Command Attempts (0-255, where 0 is unlimited) - the number of connection attempts when the formed packet is saved.
- AV Custom HTTP
1. If the number of attempts is 0 and the queue is on
а. If there are data to send, the driver tries to connect without any limit on the number of connection attempts, the connection interval is 7s.
2. If the number of attempts is 0 and the queue is off
а. If there are data to send, the driver tries to connect without any limit on the number of connection attempts, the connection interval is 7s.
3. If the number of attempts is >0 и the queue is on
а. If there are data to send, the driver tries to connect the indicated number of times. When the limit is exceeded, the current packet is deleted from the queue.
4. If the number of attempts is >0 and the queue is off
а. If there are data to send, the driver tries to connect the indicated number of times. When the limit is exceeded, all packets are deleted from the queue.
To change settings go to the driver settings
Parameters that require changing are hilighted red below.

Global Cache
PingTime - nubmber (0 - ping is off)
DisableQueue 0 - queue is on 1 - queue is off
SendCommandAttempts 0-255 (0 - no limit)To change settings go to the driver settings:

Parameters that require changing are hilighted red below.

Below are example projects where you can see how to change functions correctly via script.
Customer support service by UserEcho