Uw opmerkingen


Do you need time for tests?

Then you need to create a listener with EVENT_ITEM_CHANGE on each button. You can do this in the for...in loop.


Specify what you want to get from the array?


Any news with the new build?


The resulting text, code, and headers can be assigned to a variable inside an unnamed function or written to a feedback. This will allow you to use the received data both inside the function and outside it.

This means that your Android forcibly terminates i3 pro in Kiosk Mode. The system may not have enough memory or the Kiosk is configured this way.

Try starting i3 pro without Kiosk Mode. Check your Android settings to make sure that apps that have moved to the background are not terminated.


Let us know the full name of your device. Please specify whether Kiosk Mode is used or whether I3 pro is used manually. Is loading after waking up observed with all projects or only one?


We have plans to add the ability to work with the server through all detected interfaces, but in the current release, the server can only work with the first interface.


To access via ssh on UMC, you do not need to configure anything separately. Use TCP port 22 to mount the desired directory via sshfs.