Uw opmerkingen
yes, you can do something like this
var MyType = "POST";
var MyUrl = "/html/login";
var MyData = "Password=2007&name=authform&Login=admin";
var MyHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx({
Type: MyType,
Url: MyUrl,
Data: [MyData],
Headers: MyHeader,
cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveText "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveData: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveData "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveCode: function(code) {IR.Log("cbReceiveCode "+code);},
cbReceiveKey: function(key,value) {IR.Log("cbReceiveKey "+key+value);},
cbReceiveStartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStartBody "+stream);},
cbReceivePartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceivePartBody "+stream);},
cbReceiveEndBody: function(size) {IR.Log("cbReceiveEndBody "+size);},
cbTimeOut: function() {IR.Log("cbTimeOut");},
cbReceiveStream: function(stream, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStream "+stream+code+headers);}
Добрый день
Конечно возможно. Подробнее можете почитать тут http://dev.iridiummobile.net/Push_notifications
You can change connection setting via SetParameters command. Example you can find here http://dev.iridiummobile.net/AV_%26_Custom_Systems/en#Change_of_Connection_Settings
1. our wiki site is here http://dev.iridiummobile.net
2. How to begin with i3 Pro http://dev.iridiummobile.net/How_to_begin/en
3. you can find details here http://dev.iridiummobile.net/IRidium_In_Details/en
4. Info about remote control any devive here http://dev.iridiummobile.net/Port_Forwarding/en or abother way here http://dev.iridiummobile.net/VPNConnection/en
Open Popup function here http://dev.iridiummobile.net/GUI_API/en#IR.ShowPopup
Close popup function here http://dev.iridiummobile.net/GUI_API/en#IR.HidePopup
In panel project, you should use EVENT_TAG_CHANGE event for AddListener http://dev.iridiummobile.net/Drivers_API/en#IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE
. in this event you should write script like this
if (name == example)
if (value == "open popup")
IR.OpenPopup("popup name")
if (value == "close popup")
IR.HidePopup("popup name")
log level.irpz here it is
OurSlider.Value = FromSlider(OurSlider.Value); <- you can't do this, because slider range is still from 0 to 100. Slider value converted in script and if you write it in slider then it will be an error
about knx feedback. I receive big value from knx and you should convert it via reversed formula Math.round(Math.pow(value, 2)/10000); and set this value to the slider value
Customer support service by UserEcho
i can't understand where is the complexity. For example, you has 3 item in GUI.
When user press first item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>1</tag></system></some></xml>"
When user press second item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>2</tag></system></some></xml>"
When user press third item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>3</tag></system></some></xml>"
And Url, type and headers should be the same. Ok, you create a function with input parameter "data"
function CustomSend(data)
var MyType = "POST";
var MyUrl = "/html/login";
var MyData = data;
var MyHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx({
Type: MyType,
Url: MyUrl,
Data: [MyData],
Headers: MyHeader,
cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveText "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveData: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveData "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveCode: function(code) {IR.Log("cbReceiveCode "+code);},
cbReceiveKey: function(key,value) {IR.Log("cbReceiveKey "+key+value);},
cbReceiveStartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStartBody "+stream);},
cbReceivePartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceivePartBody "+stream);},
cbReceiveEndBody: function(size) {IR.Log("cbReceiveEndBody "+size);},
cbTimeOut: function() {IR.Log("cbTimeOut");},
cbReceiveStream: function(stream, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStream "+stream+code+headers);}
Then you should create listeners for pressing on item
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Item 1"), function()
and this listener you should create for each GUI item