Setting up Common sendex variables for HTTP post
Kristjan Kotkas 7 years ago
in Tips and Tricks
updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago •
Can the definitions of the sendex http post be in a variable ?
var pre = 'Type: "POST\", Url: "/someurl"';
var body = 'this is the http post body';
var headers = ' Headers: { "content-type": "text/html;", "authorization": "Basic asdasdasdas" }'
and then this can be sent as a common string to device.sendex(pre + body + headers);
Its really frustrating dragging the same headers for similar system calls.
Customer support service by UserEcho
yes, you can do something like this
var MyType = "POST";
var MyUrl = "/html/login";
var MyData = "Password=2007&name=authform&Login=admin";
var MyHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx({
Type: MyType,
Url: MyUrl,
Data: [MyData],
Headers: MyHeader,
cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveText "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveData: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveData "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveCode: function(code) {IR.Log("cbReceiveCode "+code);},
cbReceiveKey: function(key,value) {IR.Log("cbReceiveKey "+key+value);},
cbReceiveStartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStartBody "+stream);},
cbReceivePartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceivePartBody "+stream);},
cbReceiveEndBody: function(size) {IR.Log("cbReceiveEndBody "+size);},
cbTimeOut: function() {IR.Log("cbTimeOut");},
cbReceiveStream: function(stream, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStream "+stream+code+headers);}
Ilya, would you consider the exaple above good code ? Say you need to send an xml through post for different control items, lets say for and example remote control interface. In this case then you would have for every key on the remote the dragging headers. Examplify even more:
Lets say Body would be for
button 1: Data: [<xml><some><system><tag>1</tag></system></some></xml>]
button 2: Data: [<xml><some><system><tag>2</tag></system></some></xml>]
button 0: Data: [<xml><some><system><tag>3</tag></system></some></xml>]
While setting up a function for creating this data as string, the rest of the sendex should be a string too - can it be a string is more a quiestion
So in this case the beautifyul code would be:
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx(preambula + data + headers + footer); instead of 15 lines of same repeating code.
I just hate that I would need to repeat same for each js function.
In essence I can formulate the string for the sendex
var sendexstring = ' "{" + Preambula + data + footer + "}"'
and call it IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx(sendexstring);
the proble is more like that the emulator crashes if I do so..
i can't understand where is the complexity. For example, you has 3 item in GUI.
When user press first item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>1</tag></system></some></xml>"
When user press second item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>2</tag></system></some></xml>"
When user press third item, then a driver should send "<xml><some><system><tag>3</tag></system></some></xml>"
And Url, type and headers should be the same. Ok, you create a function with input parameter "data"
function CustomSend(data)
var MyType = "POST";
var MyUrl = "/html/login";
var MyData = data;
var MyHeader = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
IR.GetDevice("Server REST").SendEx({
Type: MyType,
Url: MyUrl,
Data: [MyData],
Headers: MyHeader,
cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveText "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveData: function(text, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveData "+text+code+headers);},
cbReceiveCode: function(code) {IR.Log("cbReceiveCode "+code);},
cbReceiveKey: function(key,value) {IR.Log("cbReceiveKey "+key+value);},
cbReceiveStartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStartBody "+stream);},
cbReceivePartBody: function(stream) {IR.Log("cbReceivePartBody "+stream);},
cbReceiveEndBody: function(size) {IR.Log("cbReceiveEndBody "+size);},
cbTimeOut: function() {IR.Log("cbTimeOut");},
cbReceiveStream: function(stream, code, headers) {IR.Log("cbReceiveStream "+stream+code+headers);}
Then you should create listeners for pressing on item
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetItem("Page 1").GetItem("Item 1"), function()
and this listener you should create for each GUI item
After sending the "SendEx" command, I would like to use the content of cdReceiveData, cdReceiveText. How can I create a listener for that ?
I saw the IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_MUXER_TEXT, but there is no documentation on how to use it.
I don't even know if it is correct.
The resulting text, code, and headers can be assigned to a variable inside an unnamed function or written to a feedback. This will allow you to use the received data both inside the function and outside it.