Uw opmerkingen


У вас опрос переменных дня и недели идет только при старте проекта, дальше они не опрашиваются, т. е. если даже день сменился, то ваш проект об этом не узнает. Вам необходимо добавить периодический опрос данных переменных. Например:



//Опрос раз в час

IR.SetInterval(3600000, function(){

if (IR.GetVariable("System.Date.DayOfWeek") == "5")

IR.GetDevice("HDL-BUS Pro Network (UDP)").Set('Д-02 (DMX 48 channels):DMX Channel 41',100);

if (IR.GetVariable("System.Date.Day") == "1" || IR.GetVariable("System.Date.Day") == "15")

IR.GetDevice("HDL-BUS Pro Network (UDP)").Set("Д-02 (DMX 48 channels):DMX Channel 44",100)




Please refer to this issue in the commercial department.


Have you tried what I recommended above?

"This error is related to a device for sound input. Check whether you have the sound from the microphone on the computer. Try to change the sound quality in your microphone settings.

This is an example of using commands to receive video via SIP protocol SIP_Video_93_104 v3.irpz"

Да, вы правы. Это опечатка. Спасибо за информацию!


You can change only the script and the page Weather_Add_City. Nothing else was changed.

This error is related to a device for sound input. Check whether you have the sound from the microphone on the computer. Try to change the sound quality in your microphone settings.

This is an example of using commands to receive video via SIP protocol SIP_Video_93_104 v3.irpz