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Hmm, you right. First of all, we implement KNX tunneling for programming via ETS. It is not about allows a KNX IP router to perform the function of a line or area coupler. We will change our documentation. Thank you for attention.

Did not quite understand your question. Routing turn on, when you want, that through UMC it was possible to program the KNX bus from the ETS. After completing the setup, it makes sense to disable this function so that the interface bus can not be programmed via IP.

You can use the port forwarding, but I STRONGLY DO NOT recommend it! VPN is one of the most secure technologies for remote interaction.

For VPN you should use a special router. UMC can't be a VPN server.

Для начала, проверьте, что вы используете "свежие" версии сервера и клиента. На сервере при этом проект работает нормально (можно проверить по значениям фидбеков в веб интерфейсе)?

Yes, correct. You can use 1 server with different panel projects