Your comments
Thanks - will check it out now!
Which log window should I be looking for exactly? I am testing this by logging into the server and sending a trigger value (in this case 1) however the device does not respond.
The Driver I'm looking too at the moment is a built-in iRidium Server drive (named F10A_Server in this project). I will check the log and post below:
Thanks Francesco - I have tried your code but didn't have luck in having it show a page - perhaps my syntax is wrong?
I have tried this but I think I have made mistakes - I am not terribly fluent in Javascript:
Server = F10A_Server
Tag = SIM_PBTrigger
Value to activate = 1
Page to open = Navigation
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE, IR.GetDevice("F10A_Server")),
IR.GetVariable("Drivers.F10A_Server.SIM_PBTrigger"), function(value);
if(IR.Log("value") == 1),
Once again, thank you for your help! I will try this new script and will watch the tutorial, including continuing reading of 'Eloquent Javascript'
Hi Ilya
Thank you for your response. Would the following then be correct (my JS knowledge is super limited haha)? Also to note, the actual command has a question mark - "@MAIN:VOL=?" - is your script saying, if this number has changed by plus or minus one, update the output?
var driver =IR.GetDevice("Yamaha RXV-1067");
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, driver, function(text)
if(text.indexOf("@MAIN:VOL") != -1)
{ IR.SetVariable("Drivers.Yamaha RXV-1067.yamaha_volume");}
] });
+1 for Synology - we have a Synology NAS and this would mean we wouldn't need a second device running on our network for iRidium - great idea!
HI Dmitry
Thank you for your code. I have changed my work a little so that I am controlling the Polycom unit via RS232 (Global Cache IP2SL). The string is currently set at:
device.Send(["'dial manual auto " + text + "',0x0D"])
The Global Cache ethernet light will flash as I hit commands, but the serial port does not. I have read through the documentation and understand that GC devices have a 'transport_id' but I am unsure which ID I should be using for the IP2SL.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yay! Problem solved:
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE , IR.GetDevice("F10A_Server"), function(name,value)
IR.Log("Name = " + name + ", Value = " + value); //For Debug Only
if(name == "SIM_OTTrigger" && value == 1)