Custom TCP Driver - Timeout
Nikolay Arbuzov 10 years ago
in iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts
updated by Johan Vinke 9 years ago •
Is there way to reduce timeout value for the Custom TCP driver ?
In case equipement is off it takes too long for the connection to timeout.
In case equipement is off it takes too long for the connection to timeout.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is the closest to an answer I could find, so that's why I'm posting here. (Please tell me if this is the wrong place.)
I'm requesting a page via HTTPS, but most of the times I get the following message in log: "ERROR CCustomHTTPDevice(4): Time of waiting for data is over!"
Though, once in a while I do get the requested page properly, and no error message.
I have the feeling that the response time is about as long as the time-out and therefor I do not always get the desired page. Is that possible? The time-out is 5 seconds? And is it already possible to control this property?