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Connection with HDL 512 DMX

Miguel Vaca 8 years ago in Products / HDL-BUS Pro updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 8 years ago 3

Hello Everyone,

I use the example script of 48 DMX to control RGB Color with the pallet, but when I try to use it with 512 DMX, it didn´t work. Someone knows how to solve this problem??

Thanks for the help

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Please send the sample, we have to check settings

Hi Miguel

Are you able to control your DMX512 with simple levels using "Single Channel Lighting". You sent the standard sample and it works fine. The problem is not in DMX script.

Please check that you added the Module Address correctly (Subnet ID, Device ID), and you generally a ble to control the DMX.

Please let me know what exactly you see when trying to control