Sonos not working with latest Sonos Firmware
we have updated our Sonos to firmware 7.2
and the iRidium Sonos module has stopped working:
Can you please fix

Checked it, had an older version of the project (was 1.2 but dated earlier) and works! Thx

Does anyone have a working module Sonos for IPhone with working playlist and full list of radio stations?
And how to use command from script (for example i need to choose pleer and playlist to play music)?
Thanks in advance

we test it again and everything fine in our office. check that you use the latest app version from AppStore(Google Play) and that you use the latest sonos project ( you can find it here https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B36a0ayl55pmREtSWHVFcGRpZnc). Soon we will upload yhis project to our site

for IPhone please, or for any other phone!
P.S. version for ipad works well

how do we select the player,
do we need to setup something , or fill in an IP adres
gr Ludwig

Sonos module work, but iRidium log shows permanent error:
[27-06-2017 12:29:54.547] INFO SCRIPT TypeError: C:\Users\.........\Documents\iRidium pro documents\Client\Sonos1.2 (3)\scripts\control.js:1878: Tried to use undefined as an object

Log shows:
1. Project Metro_Sonos_iPhone_RC_2.0.0 v3
[13-07-2017 09:49:46.779] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[13-07-2017 09:49:46.910] INFO SCRIPT !!!XML Error1
2. Project Metro_Sonos_Retina_2048_RC_2.2.1 v3
[13-07-2017 09:53:00.187] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[13-07-2017 09:53:00.408] INFO SCRIPT !!!XML Error TypeError: C:\Users\......\Documents\iRidium pro documents\Client\Metro_Sonos_Retina_2048_RC_2.2.1 v3\scripts\Sonos_Control.js:1608: Tried to use undefined as an object

добрый день. Функционал весь работает у вас? Эти сообщение не влияют на работоспособность

хорошо. на сообщения не обращайте внимания, они информационные и мы скоро их уберем

I am now have a lot of issues with this module
If i open the i3pro app the module works, but if the iPad is inactive or the apps sent to background then the app stops working.
Transport functions work, track selection works, volume works, BUT no feedback at all. no track data, no artwork, no volume level or %. no track time.
The only way to get the module to work again is to shut down the app completely the re-open the app.

With Sonos version 7.4 and iRidium 1.1.8:12782 client (Windows) and 1.1.9:12918 (iOS) the list of players is not loaded.
Used the project in the link in this topic to test.
In the log there are errors about XML parsing.
Please fix this.

Just letting you know that with I3 pro version , Sonos is not working same issue like the others, no list is showing to find the players.
My project was working fine a couple of month ago.
Is there any news on this topic ?
[18-09-2017 21:37:04.724] INFO CORE *** The client started to work ***
[18-09-2017 21:37:04.735] INFO SCRIPT false
[18-09-2017 21:37:10.988] ERROR UPNP CUpnpDevice(RINCON_000E58702C9001400(8)): Time of waiting for connection is over!
[18-09-2017 21:37:10.994] ERROR UPNP RINCON_000E58702C9001400(8): Time of waiting for connection is over!
[18-09-2017 21:37:23.775] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Put(): Opacity property does'nt exists on ElementType 0

Do you use a project from this topic?

On which device do you start it? Does the standard Sonos application work from the same device?

my issue is different. I get lists to populate.
I can get the sonos to work (iPad mini4, ios10.3.3, Latest beta i3pro)it displays lists and all functions work
i minimise the i3 application to the background, then when I go back to the application I have no control of sonos at all. If I close the i3 app completely, then re-open it I have full control of the sonos again. The iPad going to sleep has the same effect. Wont re-connect to sonos on wakeup
I have had this problem for some time now. There was a recent update for sonos. I installed that and still the problem s exactly the same
I just tested again using the the project linked to by Dimitry but it is still the same
the Sonos application on the same iPad works all the time
I found that the lists don't work properly unless the sonos application is running on the host computer of the music library

Hi Dimitry,
I am testing it on the emulator on my laptop. No device. On my Iphone the Sonos App works fine. And from my Laptop the Sonos Controller works fine too.
And yes i used both projects under the link you posted.
Still i have no Device in the list

Ok correction after reading the note from the post of david i let the sonos application running in the background on my laptop. Then i started my Project and the emulator.... Now it found the sonos device... i can start, stop, change volume... all this seems to work. I can find music on my laptop and it plays it as well....It does not find any radio station....
But overall this is not working properly... I get lots of errors in the Log... especially the XML parsing error seems to be the cause i think.
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.197] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.227] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.259] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.290] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.324] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.354] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.385] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.418] WARNING SCRIPT Item_Get(): lock property does'nt exists on ElementType 1
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.449] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.557] INFO SCRIPT !!!XML Error TypeError: C:\Users\Paulo\Documents\iRidium pro documents\Client\NeoMatic_IPad_Showroom v3\scripts\Sonos_Control.js:1608: Tried to use undefined as an object
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.666] WARNING SCRIPT XML Construct Error: Error document empty. 0 0
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.668] WARNING SCRIPT
[19-09-2017 09:55:54.818] INFO SCRIPT !!!XML Error TypeError: C:\Users\Paulo\Documents\iRidium pro documents\Client\NeoMatic_IPad_Showroom v3\scripts\Sonos_Control.js:1608: Tried to use undefined as an object

It does not find any radio station.
Unfortunately, this functionality does not work. This is related to the limitations of Sonos.
But overall this is not working properly... I get lots of errors in the Log... especially the XML parsing error seems to be the cause i think.
These errors usually do not affect the operation of the module.

The radio stations were working fine as i wrote 4 Month ago in this thread the following:
The complete project is working fine for me on IPad Mini Gen.1 with IOS 9.3.5
With Iridium V3 Studio
and I3pro app Version 1.1.5 from 16.05.2017
tested with Sonos Play:3 Firmware Version 7.2 (build 35339010) / Hardware Version
This of course was with the previous Sonos Project you had 4 Month ago... Now with the new one the radio station are not loading.
If the XML error is not a problem we need to find the reason why the new Sonos project is not working anymore... I have lots of costumers who are using it and now are waiting for support.

Not sure this is an appropiate response here, but I have stopped using the Iridium Sonos driver due to been on the Sonos beta and this driver essentially never working for me.
On my Iridium server i am running an opensource Node application called Node-Sonsos-Http-API (https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api/) and on my Iridium server i have created a basic module, which leverages the application to do all the UPNP work. So far this has been running solid for 8 months, and I am currently running Sonos 8.0.371245110
I have not converted all the functions to this model, but the following will show the basic framework I use, and is maintainable
Apologies if this is inappropriate here, and please delete if needed
Sonos_API = function(DriverName) { //------------------------------------------------------- // Driver Data //------------------------------------------------------- this.DriverName = DriverName; this.device; this.Online = false; var that; var deviceList = []; this.error = false; // Error flag // Log Levels // 0 = No logging // 1 = Information // 2 = Verbose // 3 = Debug var loggingLevel = 3; //------------------------------------------------------- // Device Initialization //------------------------------------------------------- function initialization() // Initialization method of the class instance { //this.device= IR.CreateDevice(IR.DEVICE_CUSTOM_HTTP_TCP, this.DriverName, {Host: "", Port: 5005, ReceiveWaitTimeMax: 5000}); // Defining the indicator of the base driver by its name this.device= IR.GetDevice(this.DriverName); // Defining the indicator of the base driver by its name that = this; // Receiving the link to the object for its using inside the function //------------------------------------------------------- // Device Online //------------------------------------------------------- IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START,that.device,function() { Log("DEVICE is Initializing..."); // Write to the log that the device is Online Log("DEVICE is Initialized"); // Write to the log that the device is Online }, that); //------------------------------------------------------- // Device Online //------------------------------------------------------- IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ONLINE, that.device, function(text) { Log("DEVICE is Online"); // Write to the log that the device is Online that.Online = true; // Assign the true value to the that.Online variable deviceList = getSonosDevices(); }, that); //------------------------------------------------------- // Device Offline //------------------------------------------------------- IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_OFFLINE, that.device, function(text) { Log("DEVICE is Offline"); // Write to the log that the device is Offline that.Online = false; // Assign the false value to the that.Online variable }, that); //------------------------------------------------------- // Receive Text //------------------------------------------------------- IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT, that.device, function(text) { Log("Text Received: " + text); // Output the received data in the log }, that); //------------------------------------------------------- // Channel Set //------------------------------------------------------- IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_CHANNEL_SET, that.device, function(name, value) { name = TrimString(name); value = TrimString(value); Log("Issue Command: " + name + " :: " + value, "Verbose"); //name is the command switch (name){ case "Speak": //a1 = arm away var payload = value.split(":"); var zone = payload[0] ? payload[0].toString() : 'Kitchen'; var announcement = (payload[1]) ? payload[1].toString() : 'Just Because I Can!'; announce(zone, announcement) break; } }, that); } function getSonosDevices () { var sonosDevices = []; NodeSonosAPIrequest = function(in_callback) { that.device.SetParameters({ConnectWaitTimeMax: 5000, ReceiveWaitTimeMax: 10000}); that.device.Connect(); that.device.SendEx( { Type: "GET", Url: "/zones", cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) { if (code != 200) return; //parse other error codes var resp = JSON.Parse(text); //IR.Log(text); that.device.Disconnect(); in_callback(resp); }, }); }; //Attach data to channels here NodeSonosAPIrequest(function(resp) { for (var i = 0; i < resp.length; i++) { IR.Log(resp[i].coordinator.roomName); sonosDevices[i] = resp[i].coordinator.roomName; } //IR.GetDevice("mqtt").Set("temp",coordinators.roomName); //IR.GetDevice("mqtt").Set("pressure",resp.main.pressure); }); return sonosDevices; } function announce(Zone, Message, Volume) { var vol = (Volume) ? Volume.toString() : '40'; var httpCmd = 'Get,/' + Zone + '/say/' + encodeURIComponent(Message) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(vol); Log("Speaking ["+ Message +"]"); Log("Sending: " + httpCmd, "Debug"); // Output the received data in the log that.device.Send([httpCmd]); } //**************************************************\\ var TrimString = function (str) { var localStr = str; if (!str) return str; // Don't alter the empty string try { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); // Regular expression magic, barfs if the type is a number, // but we need to be able to trim Strings that are made up of numbers, eg " 0" -> "0" } catch(err) { return localStr; } } var Log = function(logText, logMode) { var log = logMode ? logMode.toString() : 'Info'; switch(log) { case 'Verbose': if (loggingLevel >= 2) IR.Log("VERBOSE: [" + that.DriverName + "] " + logText); break; case 'Debug': if (loggingLevel >= 3) IR.Log(" DEBUG: [" + that.DriverName + "] " + logText); break; case 'Error': if (loggingLevel >= 1) IR.Log(" ERROR: [" + that.DriverName + "] " + logText); break; default: if (loggingLevel >= 1) IR.Log(" INFO: [" + that.DriverName + "] " + logText); break; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Public //------------------------------------------------------- this.Init = initialization; // Make the initialization function public this.Speak = announce; }; var SonosAPI = new Sonos_API("Node-Sonos"); SonosAPI.Init(); var primaryAnnouncementZone = "Kitchen"; SonosAPI.Speak(primaryAnnouncementZone,"System Update, The Iridium Pro Server has been restarted.","50");
From there to get a list of Favorites i would just send a request of the following to the Node Sonos Instance
and then from the list returned, i can play it in the zone with the following command
http://nodeSonosAPI/zone/favourite/item name
This is what the code might look like, as an example of how easy this can be to work with Iridium and Sonos
// Helper Function to Play a playlist in group or zone, with an optional volume
function playPlaylist(Zone, Playlist, Volume) {
playQueue(Zone, Playlist, "Playlist", Volume);
} // Helper Function to Play a favorite in group or zone, with an optional volume
function playFavorite(Zone, Favorite, Volume)
playQueue(Zone, Favorite, "Favorite", Volume);
} // Worker Function to Play a favorite or playlist in group or zone, with an optional volume
function playQueue(Zone, QueueName, QueueType, Volume) {
var queue = '';
if (QueueType == "Playlist") { queue = "playlist"; }
else if (QueueType == "Favorite") { queue = "favorite"; }
else { break; }
var httpCmd = 'Get,/' + Zone + '/' + encodeURIComponent(queue) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(QueueName);
Log("Playing "+ QueueType + ' ' + QueueName +" in " + Zone);
Log("Sending: " + httpCmd, "Debug"); // Output the received data in the log
that.device.Send([httpCmd]); if (Volume) {
// If the Volume is also provided, we will update Sonos to implement this request also
var httpCmd = 'Get,/' + Zone + '/volume/' + encodeURIComponent(volume);
Log("Setting Volume to "+ Volume + " in " + Zone);
Log("Sending: " + httpCmd, "Debug"); // Output the received data in the log
} else {
Log("No Change to Volume to "+ Volume + " in " + Zone);
Both reply with JSON, so parsing is not hard in Iridium.
Done ! :)

Hi Damian,
A good solution. But it would require each project to have a iridium server which would be too expensive for many.
We need something which is easy to use, even for non Script guys, full functional and stable.
Of course your are right this constant update of Sonos always kills the Iridium Sonos Code. Best would be if we could stop Sonos players from updating automatically and then have a Iridium Code for 1 version of Sonos Firmware and then just update the Sonos players whenever Iridium would update the Sonos Code.
Because right now we always running after and behind the Sonos Firmware updates until we have the Iridium Sonos code fixed its again about time for a new Sonos Firmware update.
Important is that we keep this Sonos feature in Iridium tough because its a big selling point in my business anyways.

Hi everyone!
Please, try the new version of Sonos module.
Metro_Sonos_Retina_2048_RC_2.2.1 v3.irpz
We fixed some bugs in this version.

Hi all,
I did a quick test on my Laptop and all seems to work fine.
It finds the Play:3 player and also the Radio Stations are working again.
Tested with:
Iridium Pro
Sonos Version
Play 3 Version 7.4(build 37244160)
Hardware Version:
Tested on Windows 7 Laptop via Emulator
Will do some more in-depth testing including a test on a iPad mini... I will keep you posted

Thanks for the info. We will try to fix it.

Question to all Sonos App users?
Did anybody managed to include Sonos in Scenarios?
Let´s say Costumer comes home and turns on Scene "Relax". This activates the Sonos Player in that Zone and chooses a Playlist to play for example... it then starts playing with maybe also a fixed Volume to play.
The trigger for this Scene could come from the automation system itself... a "Bit" from a Wall switch for example...
Would be interesting to know where and on which point of the Sonos Script we could connect such a function. I think is something useful... No?
Best Regards,

Hello everyone!
We fixed the error with the name of the radio stations in the module.

Hi this is fixed for me... The radio station text is working now...
I do still get errors on the Log:
[02-11-2017 12:29:26.301] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[02-11-2017 12:29:26.305] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[02-11-2017 12:29:44.972] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[02-11-2017 12:29:44.974] INFO SCRIPT ======== 1
[02-11-2017 12:29:44.974] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[02-11-2017 12:29:44.975] ERROR SCRIPT Device_InvokeAction UserData null
[02-11-2017 12:29:45.887] WARNING SCRIPT XML Construct Error: Error document empty. 0 0
[02-11-2017 12:29:45.895] WARNING SCRIPT
[02-11-2017 12:29:45.979] WARNING SCRIPT XML Construct Error: Error document empty. 0 0
[02-11-2017 12:29:45.985] WARNING SCRIPT

What version of the client (i3Pro) are you using?
Since we removed this errors from the log and in the latest version of i3Pro these errors should not be in the log.

Hi Dmitry,
Yes you right is fixed now in the new version. I was still one version behind.
Thank you.

Hi, got one project where no sonos player is found. I added the player IP adresses in the script and still nothing found.
Router is Fritzbox.
Weird thing is that i can work with sonos from same devices using the sonos app. It works on iMac, iPad pro 12,9" iPad 4, iPad 3 and iPhone 6. on all these devices iRidium doesn't connect.
in i2 sonos did connect to the players.
Any clue what's wrong?
When i use the visualisation in other networks (exact same configuration) the sonos app in iRidium works fine.
Can there be an internal networking problem? Customer claims nothing is blocked and there is no firewall or something alike.

Hi Aleksandr. Yes it works fine with BAOS and modbus.
Weirdest is that it works fine in other networks. / with other sonos players.
Sonos players are all up to date. i have connect amp, playbar, sub and play3 devices.
License type is Enterprise_plus so that should be good i guess.

try to listen (sniff) the local network, whether our driver generates the flow to Sonos. Then it will be clear if the network is a level or software ...

Please tell me how to do this and with what software... I think problem is network because with same iPad and driver work fine... so only thing we then need to know is what's blocking the communication.
Switch is:
As said router is Fritzbox.

Check it on WinPC in this network (not in WiFi). UniFi very often have some issue with UPnP...

You mean test the app from win PC connected wired in the network?
Will test this, maybe STP is a problem?

Can you confirm if this is the latest version of the Sonos project for iPad ?
It dates from november 2017 and is named RC (release candidate), so is this
the latest version or do you have a later official (non-RC) or improved version of it ?
Verzonden: maandag 6 november 2017 6:35
Aan: Marc Vermaut
Onderwerp: FW: Sonos not working with latest Sonos Firmware
Met vriendelijke groeten
Ludwig Devogele
Izegemstraat 73b B-8770 Ingelmunster
Mobile : +32(0)478 395529
Fax: +32(0)51 321086
Alphabox: meer comfort tegen een lagere kost! Huis- of kantoorautomatisering is het oordeelkundig aanwenden van moderne technologie in uw woning of bedrijfspand.
Van: Support Team [mailto:support@iridiummobile.ru]
Verzonden: donderdag 2 november 2017 11:31
Aan: Ludwig Devogele
Onderwerp: Re: Sonos not working with latest Sonos Firmware

iRidium should be in that list, Sonos now helps company's with communication.
Maybe that's the way we can make a reliable Sonos integration.

Yes, we have a plans for native official driver for the Sonos. We have already contacted the manufacturers and have been registered as developers.

Hi, we have already started developing this driver for native use

ok, thanks.
Do you know if iridium is getting the "works with Sonos" logo?

Of course, after compatibility certification we will have this logo

Sorry, but the term is not defined. It usually takes 1-2 months before release.

Good morning,
is the driver as shown above the right one for the new Sonos firmware 9.3?

Yes, the project works fine with version 9.3. We checked it with our sonos

Hi everyone!
You can download the latest version of the Sonos module from our website. https://iridi.com/download/software/v3/module/sonos/

Hello Dmitry, the file I just downloaded has the same name, modified date and size as the one I downloaded a few weeks ago. Could you please check?

We are awaiting the end of certification from Sonos. I hope that the driver will be available soon.

Hello. The driver is ready, we are waiting for certification, but so far Sonos has not answered us.

please, update status of the new native driver. Just to know if I should wait or integrate the system with the available Sonos is script.

Unfortunately, Sonos is not currently certifying (quarantine), but we are preparing to release the driver in the next release. We passed self-certification tests, prepared the necessary description - we are planning a release in May.

Is there any documentation already about the driver you added recently?
Thank you

Not yet. We are checking the operation of the driver on real equipment at different sites and as soon as all issues are resolved we will publish the documentation for the driver.

IAM having trouble with the feedback Name/Artist/Stream and Album/Show.
They are showing in the emulator on my pc. But when I download the project on a 6.0.1 android touchscreen they are not showing information.
I have the same issue on a Sibo 7 inch android touchscreen, and a 7 and 22 inch touchscreen from TCI.
Hope you know a solution for this.

Make sure that you are using the latest version of i3 pro. If the driver is in the server project, then the server version must be up-to-date. If the projects are panel-based, then the i3 pro client must be up-to-date on all panels.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi, Matthijs
Please, check your version of i3pro app (above 1.1.5) and version of project code