We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Sonos not working with latest Sonos Firmware

Jackie Roos 8 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Richard t Lam 4 years ago 145


we have updated our Sonos to firmware 7.2

Image 18444

and the iRidium Sonos module has stopped working:

Image 18442

Can you please fix



Hi, Matthijs
Please, check your version of i3pro app (above 1.1.5) and version of project code


Драйвер SNMP

Viacheslav Alekseev 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 9


Подскажите, нет ли каких-то ограничений в драйвере SNMP в зависимости от платформы?

Пытаемся управлять и читать состояние устройства (реле LPowerNode) .

Из эмулятора под windows все работает корректно. Но этот же проект, залитый на планшет с Android, не работает. Проверили - от него не идёт никаких UDP пакетов на 161 порт. Другие UDP пакеты (через Custom драйвер) от него нормально доходят. То есть сеть вряд ли что-то блочит.

В дебаг логе никаких ошибок. (Кстати, лог же тоже идёт по UDP,  что подтверждает, что проблема не в сети).


Server crashing after integrated with MySQL

Leandro Augusto 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 11


I´m using iRidium Server 32bits and ODBC Server 32bits. Server is connecting with MySQL perfectly.

But when I send a query to insert values on table, Server stop working. When I go to MySQL to look for the record I see almost 500 equals records (like a "loop"), but if you see on code below I only send a query one time on function writeDB(). 

var date = "now()";
var BaseMySQL = new ODBC("root", "123", "MySQLiridium");
var query_head = "INSERT INTO chamada_enfermagem(Posto, Leito, Tipo, Tempo, Data) VALUES(";

function writeDB(info_chamada) //gravar informações no DB
if (!BaseMySQL) //if no ODBC object
BaseMySQL = new ODBC("root", "123", "MySQLiridium"); // creating ODBC object
if (BaseMySQL)
IR.Log(BaseMySQL + " connected!");
var posto = info_chamada.split("_")[0];
var leito = info_chamada.split("_")[1];
var tipo = info_chamada.split("_")[2];
var tempo = info_chamada.split("_")[3];
var query = query_head + '"'+posto+'"' + "," + '"'+leito+'"' + "," + '"'+tipo+'"' + "," + '"'+"00"+'"' + "," + date + ");";
var response = BaseMySQL.Query(query); // SQL query to MySQL database

Will be answered

iRidium 2019 JS Script Call in button programming

Mike Slattery 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 7

When I try to add a JS Script Call for button Release or Move, I cannot get it to select a function call. 


Doorbird error when answering call

Wouter van der Post 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated 4 years ago 10


I'm testing a Doorbird intercom with i3 Pro and run into some issues when answering the call.

I'm using the sample project (https://dev.iridi.com/DoorBird/en) and a FreePBX SIP server. 

The Doorbird has extension number 200, i3 Pro has 111.

When I press the call button on the Doorbird, the call shows up in the emulator. As soon as I press "answer" the log shows these lines (as long as the call is active, the 'error' lines keep flowing in):

Image 47079

Also there is no sound, not from the laptop to the intercom and not from the intercom microphone to the laptop.

This is what shows up in the FreePBX logs, I make the call from the intercom and press hangup in the i3 Pro emulator:

10975    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_stack.c: PJSIP/111-00000012 Internal Gosub(func-apply-sipheaders,s,1) complete GOSUB_RETVAL=    
10976    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[21756] netsock2.c: Using SIP RTP Audio TOS bits 184    
10977    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[21756] netsock2.c: Using SIP RTP Audio TOS bits 184 in TCLASS field.    
10978    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[21756] netsock2.c: Using SIP RTP Audio CoS mark 5    
10979    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[21756] netsock2.c: Using SIP RTP Video TOS bits 136    
10980    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[21756] netsock2.c: Using SIP RTP Video TOS bits 136 in TCLASS field.    
10981    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[21756] netsock2.c: Using SIP RTP Video CoS mark 4    
10982    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_dial.c: Called PJSIP/111/sip:111@;rinstance=J6CbMx7MQpJwbGGr    
10983    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_dial.c: PJSIP/111-00000012 is ringing    
10984    [2021-04-08 15:40:02] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_dial.c: PJSIP/111-00000012 is ringing    
10985    [2021-04-08 15:40:04] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_dial.c: PJSIP/111-00000012 answered PJSIP/200-00000011    
10986    [2021-04-08 15:40:04] VERBOSE[303][C-0000000a] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/111-00000012 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <36bfc303-9f59-413f-a46b-7a0174f70718>    
10987    [2021-04-08 15:40:04] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/200-00000011 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <36bfc303-9f59-413f-a46b-7a0174f70718>    
10988    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[303][C-0000000a] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/111-00000012 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <36bfc303-9f59-413f-a46b-7a0174f70718>    
10989    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] bridge_channel.c: Channel PJSIP/200-00000011 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <36bfc303-9f59-413f-a46b-7a0174f70718>    
10990    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial-one, s, 55) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/200-00000011' in macro 'dial-one'    
10991    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-exten-vm, s, 14) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/200-00000011' in macro 'exten-vm'    
10992    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Spawn extension (from-internal, 111, 3) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/200-00000011'    
10993    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Executing [h@from-internal:1] Macro("PJSIP/200-00000011", "hangupcall") in new stack    
10994    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("PJSIP/200-00000011", "1?theend") in new stack    
10995    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,3)    
10996    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:3] ExecIf("PJSIP/200-00000011", "0?Set(CDR(recordingfile)=)") in new stack    
10997    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:4] NoOp("PJSIP/200-00000011", "PJSIP/111-00000012 montior file= ") in new stack    
10998    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:5] GotoIf("PJSIP/200-00000011", "1?skipagi") in new stack    
10999    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx_builtins.c: Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,7)    
11000    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:7] Hangup("PJSIP/200-00000011", "") in new stack    
11001    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 7) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/200-00000011' in macro 'hangupcall'    
11002    [2021-04-08 15:40:07] VERBOSE[32706][C-0000000a] pbx.c: Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'PJSIP/200-00000011'

Audio Codecs in FreePBX are configured as follows:

Image 47078

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

Not a bug

Modbus TCP Driver polling too limited

Sorbodoekje 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 16

I am reading data from multiple PLCs. And I read quite a lot of registers per PLC. 

One PLC reads up to 1773 registers. Now I expected iRidium would read the registers every 250 ms (Default Update time of the Modbus TCP Driver). But this is not the case. I checked with Wireshark and every 40 ms a block of max 64 registers is read from the PLC, which means one complete read cycle of all registers takes more than 1000 ms!

Because of this, the reaction time of the GUI is slow. Is it possible to speed the read cycle up?


Please implement a better search function for the forums

Dennis Piet 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 4 years ago 8

There is a lot of information buried in this support forum. But I'm having a hard time finding all of it.

At first I did not understand why Google could find the information I needed, but I could not find it myself with the search function.  But now, I know you have to manually go to every single sub-forum (all 9 of them) to search inside it.

Can you please change the search function so I have the option to search information in all forums?


Scanning the Domintell bus with the new module.

Richard t Lam 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Frederic 4 years ago 7


Domintell recently launched there new master module the DGQG04. 

I want to scan the Domintell bus in the iRidium software, but  I only got an response error.

They also use there new Golden gate software. But when I use the old method so a DETH02 module with an old master the DGQG01 the scan still works.

But they are using now the DGQG04 module with there 14.2 Goldengate version.

I can only scan the bus with UDP or Websocket funtion in the iRidium software. Domintell them self say that the bus need to be scanned with TCP.

Is it possible to fix this problem?

Not a bug

Ошибка Unexpected character \ufeff

AlexDr 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 6

Добрый день.

В процессе загрузки серверного проекта возникает ошибка:

Image 44152

Скрипты соотв. не работают. 

Скрипты в проект добавлял импортом из внешнего файла, в который ранее делал сохранение из другого проекта.


iRidium Studio sub-menu font size

JoshG 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 4 years ago 4

Font size in iRidium Studio (x64) is very small, and can't be changed using any of the following methods:

- Via Tools>Options>Workspace

- Via Windows10 display settings

- Via Windows10 registry settings (for menu size)

I am using Windows10 on a mac via bootcamp.

Here is a screengrab:

Image 44127