
script indexOf()

Romain LE CAN 6 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by a pivovarov 4 years ago 11


i want to use a javascript function on my project but when i use it i can see on the log "function is not defined"

the function is indexOf() to return the position of an element in an array.


is it the right syntax in iridium ?

thanks for your help

Under review


Example of using the methodindexOf():

var str = 'Быть или не быть, вот в чём вопрос.';
var count = 0;
var pos = str.indexOf('в');

while (pos !== -1) {
pos = str.indexOf('в', pos + 1);

IR.Log(count); // 3

in your example you use a string but i want to use it with an array is it ok too ? 


The argument can be a substring. If you have an array, convert it to string.

Array.prototype.indexOf is not implemented in Iridium. I wrote a script that contains lot of functions that are missed in Iridium.


You could take Array.prototype.indexOf form this script. )

it's not too easy because i don't want to count something but make a matrix between 2 arrays, first is list of drivers and second list of physical switch, the position on each array indicate the virtual tag where i store the dimming value. and i need to know the position in the array not in a string because the number of character change every time i will change elements of  array.

script is not complete, it's just to show you want i need to do.

function send (pos, value)
if(value == 1)
var virtualdimmer = "Server.Tags.virtual " + pos;
var dimvalue = IR.GetVariable(virtualdimmer);
} else {
var dimvalue = value;
var detaildriver = arraydriver[pos].split("_");
var detaillength = detaildriver.length;
IR.Log("detaildriver : " + detaildriver + " detail length : " + detaillength);
for (var j = 0 ; j < detaillength ; j++)
var stringdriver = detaildriver[j];
// IR.Log("j : " + j + " send driver : " + stringdriver);
IR.GetDevice("hdl").Set(stringdriver, dimvalue);

function matrixlight(numuv, onoff)
var position = arrayuv.indexOf(numuv);
while (position != -1)
if(onoff == 1)
var virtualdimmer = "Server.Tags.virtual " + position;
var dimmer = IR.GetVariable(virtualdimmer);
} else {
var dimmer = 0;

IR.Log("send : position=" + position + " dimmer=" + dimmer);
send(position, dimmer)
position = arrayuv.indexOf(numuv, position + 1);



Iridium uses the ECMAScript Edition 3 specification. The indexOf method is added to work with arrays only in ECMAScript 5.1 specification (ECMA-262).

You can use the following code to access the array by index:

var array = ['hello', 'send', 'test', 65535];
var index;
for (index = 0;
index < array.length;
IR.Log(index + ": " + array[index]);

var first = array[0]; // the first element of the array

IR.Log("First: " + first);

When will you update the JS engine to a newer version of ECMA? There are many functions in the newer versions that make life a lot easier.

In the meantime you can extend the array prototype like so:

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
  Array.prototype.indexOf = function(value) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      if (this[i] == value) {
        return i;
    return -1;

And call it like you wanted in your code:

var position = arrayuv.indexOf(numuv);

The upgrade version of JavaScipt in iRidium is not planned. Perhaps the situation will change in the future.