
iRidium Studio sub-menu font size

JoshG 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 3 years ago 4

Font size in iRidium Studio (x64) is very small, and can't be changed using any of the following methods:

- Via Tools>Options>Workspace

- Via Windows10 display settings

- Via Windows10 registry settings (for menu size)

I am using Windows10 on a mac via bootcamp.

Here is a screengrab:

Image 44127

Under review

Hi, just do it

Image adaptation on monitors with 4K resolution:
1. Go to the following folder C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium Ltd\iRidium Pro\Studio64 (Studio32);
2. Go to the properties of iRidium Studio.exe file (via the menu of the right mouse button);
3. Find "Compatibility" folder and click "Change high DPI settings" there will appear a window to set a resolution;
4. Choose "Override high DPI scaling behavior.", in "Scaling perfomed by" select "System";
5. Save changes.

Perfect. Thanks.


Where is this procedure documented?

Please add it to the wiki-pages.

