
Scanning the Domintell bus with the new module.

Richard t Lam 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Frederic 4 years ago 7


Domintell recently launched there new master module the DGQG04. 

I want to scan the Domintell bus in the iRidium software, but  I only got an response error.

They also use there new Golden gate software. But when I use the old method so a DETH02 module with an old master the DGQG01 the scan still works.

But they are using now the DGQG04 module with there 14.2 Goldengate version.

I can only scan the bus with UDP or Websocket funtion in the iRidium software. Domintell them self say that the bus need to be scanned with TCP.

Is it possible to fix this problem?

Problem is fixed for now.

hi, i did change DGQ01 to DGQ04 but impossible to scan with the new module. if i reinstall the old one (DGQ1) it is perfect. Can you have a check and fix ? Best regards

hi, i did change DGQ01 to DGQ04 but impossible to scan with the new module. if i reinstall the old one (DGQ1) it is perfect. Can you have a check and fix ? Best regards

hi, i did change DGQ01 to DGQ04 but impossible to scan with the new module. if i reinstall the old one (DGQ1) it is perfect. Can you have a check and fix ? Best regards


There is a DGQ01 connected to the test system. 

What do I need to fix?

Hi,  i have reinstalled the DGQ04 and scanner can not connect to it. I guess it is because per default the scanner use udp only and not tcp. is there a way to ask the scanner to scan on tcp inn place od udp ? Here the spec from domintell about the connection.



• Up to two connections can be opened simultaneously
using WebSockets (TCP protocol only). Connections
are encrypted (TLSv 1.2) and protected by a