Remove Trial license, set Timelimit on all client apps
Please vote to use Timelimit in all clients instead of Trials!
As I see about half of newcomers (optimistic) give up on iRidium after first try. Too complex. Same goes to beta test - I've spent whole morning today, trying to get HWIDs, licenses etc. for new devices.
Trial is used to develop and test. It is better to set Timelimit instead of Trials.
I think that all Client apps and Emulator should work for, let's say 20 minutes after run, than need to close/open or press a "continue" button.
This will make it a lot easier to start using iRidium for newcomers.

Finally somebody inside iRidium is so smart to have this idea.... What we try to say for 5 years now, is now finally an idea what we really want....
I voted already for it!
Thanks Nikolay!

Я - за!
Так же можно показывать надпись "не для продажи" или рекламные баннеры iRidium и партнеров :)

It has been implemented from i3 pro (beta). Test Mode (20 minutes) is supported for integrators with "Full Registration".
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
It has been implemented from i3 pro (beta). Test Mode (20 minutes) is supported for integrators with "Full Registration".