
Schedules - let us select hours

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated by Truc Nguyen Van 3 years ago 28

SNMP protocol

Nikolay Rusanov 9 years ago in Products / Other drivers updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 years ago 33

Static list suggestions

Nikolay Rusanov 8 years ago updated by AlejandroG 5 years ago 3

Enter the System settings of i3 pro via the side menu

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 7 years ago 3

Get json with http request and parse

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in iRidium Script updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 years ago 5

Save window - please make it minimizable!

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated by Matthijs Dankelman 7 years ago 3
Not a bug

MQTT not working on a server

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 years ago 7

HTTP command with added dynamic value (and no script)

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated 7 years ago 8
Under review

Log of channels and feedbacks in UI

Nikolay Rusanov 7 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Andrey S 7 years ago 9