
Resize aspect rate with background color/picture instead of black lines

Nikolay Rusanov 8 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Jackie Roos 8 years ago 6

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Usually we have something like this, when we design project for iPad and have to use it oin 16/9 panel. Black lines on sides look like we're in 2007 again and impossible to offer for end-user

Image 16201

I'd offer that app uses background picture or color to form additional space when it is needed. Then we get something much more usable and save time if this result is satisfactory:

Image 16200



Hi, you can set it here (in Project properties):


Perhaps a new setting selecting the colour or image for the additional space?


Hi, you can set it here (in Project properties):

Hi Ekaterina

Can we change this background colour from script?

eg a project where the page colour changes, it would be great to be able to change the App Background colour in JavaScript.


Hi Jackie! Not yet, but I'll try to know what we can do

actually that is what i meant, background changes according to active page

great, thanks :)