New Level type - Round
Nikolay Rusanov 10 years ago
in Applications / i3 Pro
updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 8 years ago •
Round Levels! with appearance of (again) nest they are loved by everybody: http://lh5.ggpht.com/-Zc95p72H8cI/UPO...e_app2.jpg
besides vertical and horizontal we need to have round
besides vertical and horizontal we need to have round
Customer support service by UserEcho
SCRIPT Script exception: TypeError: C:\Users\Zzz\Documents\iRidium pro documents\Client\RoundSlider (1) v3\scripts\CircleSlider.js:52: Tried to use null as an object
Уже не помню, что это был за скрипт :)
Вероятно какого-то элемента не хватает. Или переменная не указана.
Спасибо, уже разобрался)
Hi Евгений Лешкив,
you referred to the .ru website with your beautifull project.
Is it not possible for you to share your used graphical items? (we don't ask the complete project, but only the used round levels etc)...
It would be great if other installers worldwide can learn from you how to create round levels!
This topic is 8 months 'under review'. And there are many, many topics 'under review', many of them > 4 months.
And many of these topics are voted with > 10 votes (for example, this topic).
I think it's a good idea to say: yes it's possible, and give a timeframe when it can be implemented. Or "Yes, we can do it, but not now".
Hello Theo,
Lots of people doing lots of things with scripts. What is the problem with round levels? I belive that if you could write a driver for some equipment than you can manage any graphic task. I've began to learn scripts from GUI scripting.
Please take the real round level. It is made by me and located here already for 7 month.
The only thing you need to do is to connect this script with cirtain scaled variable. And use you gauge background of course.
Am Just trying to remove that Element.png and adding "circular-selector-body 3.png" & "circular-selector-marker-hor 4.png". can you tell me how to do this.
For now on I use this backbone script for circle lightning and volume control, for temperature regulation, fan speed etc.
It is not more difficult as linear slider but with more mathematics in it.
Hope it will help you.
i know scripting is a very, very powerfull tool in iRidium and/or other systems.
But a 'normal' installer don't know anything about scripting; it's only 'to do' by programmers or IT-guys that are 'thinking in functions'. That are capable to create functions, modules, etc.
We need entry-level (low-level) functions for every low-level installer, without programming every 'simple' function (like a timer, schedules timer, logical expression, etc) in Javascript....
But: thanks for the uRL to your script; we will try/use it ;-) But i don't understand why it is not mentioned in this topic; that could save us time (and money)...
As for me I don't use integrated into GUI Editor graphic elements at all. All our GUIs (draws, pictures, ideas, elements and logics) are made from "blank sheet". Thats why I can't just share our projects (or its parts) with society.
But there are some usefull things that you can use for free.
For example there is our graph builder for iRidium:
I am trying to figure out from your script how to increase the diameter of the red circle. Can you give me a tip?
Red circle is just a png image. You may find it in Gallery. Import you png and change the name in script or delete mine one from gallery and call yours "Element.png"
ElementID[i].GetState(0).Image = "Element.png";
Your red circle .png is fine. I just needed it to make a bigger turn. Now the circle is around 200 width, same like the joystick box. But how do I increase the turning diameter/angle ?
Thank you for your help
It is all about Element.png
It has dimentions 10*200
Change it in Photoshop to needed one
i tired to change it now to 11*210 pixel and called it element_2.png. I changed in the script the call to "element_2.png" but when i turn the joystick it shows the numbers in the "angle field" but no red circle.
There are some variables:
var Width0 = 8;
var Height0 = 200;
It should be equal to dimentions of you PNG image
Kindly Help me how can we add needle for indication of the level?
Hi. A small example for you: Round_sliderV2.irpz Start in GUI v2 iridium. In Studio v3, inversion doesn't work on the axis "x" (A joystick element), after converting from v2 in v3. Possible bug, i not yet realized. Draw pictures, for example in a photoshop. Collect multistate level from pictures. Create the joystick, the same size as multistate level. Connect everything in script. Script in example. The script has been taken as a basis from the project CircleSlider. (Copyright Evgeny Leshkiv, Евгений Лешкив). Shortened under my tasks. .
In the Microsoft world graphics is going to XAML. It is time for GUI development for control system to also go there as well. I see a lot of the new SCADA software going there.
Hi Guys,
Based on Евгений Лешкив round slider i added some nest Background etc. Now if somebody could help me to change the position where the slider starts. Right now it always starts at the top... right under the word NEST but it should start on left bottom. Also it should not go all the 360 degree around.
Can anybody help me with that??
Here is the project. Nest_Trial.irpz
I'll try ;)
In i3pro inversion of axis "x" was not corrected. The error has been noticed 3 months ago.
this problem will be solved in v1.1.2