Not a bug

Not possible to update studio

Thomasvandenberg 8 jaar geleden in General bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 8 jaar geleden 5

I want to update my studio but my studio says that I have the latest version(1.0.8). If I download the studio from the site I see there is a version 1.0.10. After installing the 1.0.10 version from the site, my studio software is 1.0.8. Why can't I update my studio with the update button in the studio?

Not a bug

It's all right! Studio version is not version setup. The setup update other components. Studio latest version 1.0.8.

What is the value, to have a setup 1.0.10, but with a Studio 1.0.8 inside that setup, and a client 1.0.10, and a server 1.0.10? Why not all versions 'updated' to 1.0.10?

This is not clear for installers: to download a 1.0.10 setup, and then discovering the Studio is 1.0.8....



Because we have updated the other component, and the Studio did not change. In the next release, he will immediately become 10.0.11