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Fibaro Driver

Barry Jones 8 jaar geleden in Products / Other drivers bijgewerkt door Ilya Markov (expert) 6 jaar geleden 15 1 dubbel

Any Support pages or tutorial on the new Fibaro Driver for i3pro

Dubbelingen 1

This thread has been up for 4 months now can admin give me some information regarding documentation of fibaro and Vera drivers in i3pro please


What kind of documentation do you need? If you experience problems with the configuration, please contact support with a specific question.

The driver itself dose not have any system to it want to know how I add devices to the driver and use them in my project


what kind of support does you need?

We has fibaro driver in which we developed control functions for some fibaro devices. You can download it here http://www.iridiummobile.ru/download/software/v3/module/z-wave-fibaro/

If you want to modify it, you should open downloaded driver in our iRidium Studio, open driver script and add new function or edit existing function. For this task your should use our iRidium Script.Script wiki you can find here


Or, for fast start, you can watch our webinars about iridium script



In the previous fibaro driver you would set the device i.e. 71 and then add the feedback 71 to your project, but the fibaro driver on the website does not have anything like this, plus when you load the fibaro driver it only loads 1 device in emulator and you can't load anything else

in current version, you should open the script and add devices in "Setup" js file. In this file you should write device id and device type in js structure and the script will add devices automatically

can you please send an example of the script with two or three devices working together? i only manage to make it work with  the example device on the  device id and type. how to ad more devices automatically like you say?

many thanks 

can you please send an example of the script with two or three devices working together? i only manage to make it work with  the example device on the  device id and type. how to ad more devices automatically like you say?


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Sorry for delay.

Fibaro example ZWAVE_FIBARO_PRO.rar

hello  illya, thanks for the replay with the example, sure it works the example, now i am stuck with the problem of many devices of the same type, your example shows dirrerent types of devices but for example if a have  proyect with 5 dimmers, 6 switches 2 rgb controllers a global cache itach etc waht to put on the java script setup. many thanks

??? you completly change the structure of js , im confuse now where to put or set up the devices id and select the type? i asume command and feedback is the same.

can you please send a simple example with id  referances or a quick manuela od the new version or how to set it up on the js. if i want to put on the same page several devices for example.

let say i have a

thermostat with id=35

1 double binarytwitch with id = 13, 14

1 double binarytwitch with id =  25, 26

one multilevel switch with id= 35

one multilevel switch with id= 6

1 window sensor id= 9

1 window sensor id= 10

You can find full instruction in driver description https://www.iridiummobile.net/download/software/v3/module/z-wave-fibaro/

1) Create new widgets or(and) clone double widgets
2) Create available Channels and Tags with devices numbers(take as example already added commands)
3) Connect you crated Tags and Channels with your Widgets
4) If your need, you can manually add widgets in static lists, or use that how you want